But as the item notes, Ivermectin will defeat the Arcturus strain, just as it has defeated all the other strains before it.

Can’t the same be said of most of Europe for that matter?

Interesting but when it rains, how do you tell between the real thing and the fake?

It is good that a man who was only defending himself and the people around him had all unjust charges against him dropped, but no act of self-defense should ever have to come before a court of law to begin with.

Well, who has time to publish 300 posts and read 6,000 posts on any given SM platform anyway? No one that I know of. They’d have to be crazy to try and do that.

This might be Musk’s reasoning for imposing rate limits.

And he continues to make this a developing news item.

There are two polls cited here and so, I am not sure which one is the more accurate one:

Hopefully the one that claims that there are still a majority of Americans who are still proud to be Americans.

To his credit, Ron DeSantis is doing something right and other states need to take note.

[Wish that they would leave every state. The only thing that might drive them back to where they came and then return here by legal means is if life is made as miserable for them as possible.]

If the overturning of Roe .v. Wade, which is resulting in the saving of countless innocent lives, should lead to the outlawing of gay marriage and restore dignity and sacredness to the divine institution of marriage, and bring prayer and scripture reading back into our public schools, what would be so bad about that?