Not the Disney I grew up with and definitely not the Disney my parents grew up with.

The following item will find its complete fulfillment in the events foretold in Revelation 13.

Christian University in TX goes apostate by offering an LGBT affirming course which calls the biblical teaching on gender and marriage to be “white supremacy.”

Parental rights groups now being designated as hate groups by the SPLC (Satanic Perverted Lawless Center)

Despite his ouster over his refusal to fly the LGBT pride flag at his respective city hall, since he is up for re-election, I suppose the people of his respective community will have the final say in the matter.

[Pray that God will move their hearts to do what is right in His eyes.]

Hollywood may be a cesspool of darkness and perversion, but in the midst of that darkness, there are still those attempting to be a light for Christ.

I pray that will put the fear of God into him and frighten him out of the error of his perverse ways.

I pray that will put the fear of God into him and frighten him out of the error of his perverse ways.

In NK, even toddlers who have no understanding of right and wrong can be punished and this case, a toddler was sentenced to life in prison after his parents were caught with a Bible.