charlie brownau
3 years ago

He never calls out the REAL problem or problem GROUP, its always the "LEFT" , "FEMINISTS" and MUSLIMS

JoshWho TV founder SeekingTheTruth was able to turn JoshWho TV into a Progressive Web Application recently. You can now add a JoshWho TV app to your smart phones and devices without having to go through the Google or Apple app stores, which means that they can't stop you from having JoshWho TV on your phone and devices now. For instructions on how to put the JoshWho TV app on your phones and devices, please read the following blog post:

#seekingthetruth #joshwhotv #webapp #nomoreappstores

I am so tired of all the people claiming that we are in the middle of a pandemic, and I am already sick of people who respond to the Fauci emails by saying that Fauci should do hard time in prison for allowing this so-called pandemic to occur.

99.7 of the people who allegedly contract the Coronavirus survive it, which is a higher survival rate than people who come down with the common cold and the flu. If people were dropping dead on the street like flies from the Coronavirus, I would concede that we are dealing with a pandemic. But we are dealing with a varient of the common cold that kills almost nobody who gets it.

We are in the middle of a moral panic, not a pandemic. The powers that be wanted you to believe that the Wuhan Flu is a magic virus that is bringing the world to an end, and they want you to be so scared of this nothing virus that you will willingly give up your freedoms in the name of security.

#coronavirus #wuhanflu #magicvirus #moralpanic #rantover

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Plandemic goes from Feb 2020 to Dec 2024 , till all small business is CRUSHED , small farms are collapsed and all goverments can introduce the world DIGITAL DOLLAR to "FIX" the problem, they created - Global Reset

charlie brownau
3 years ago

They are all behind it - Every single time

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Never let a good crysis goto waste

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Illuminati= ZIonist Jews

charlie brownau
3 years ago

They are Anti White

I just finished watching Shady's new video about how BitChute has gone into full-on YouTube mode, and how Shady has been geo-blocked in basically the entire EU over BitChute's new hate speech policy. If you like the video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to Shady's channel.

#shady #bitchute #censorship #exposed #joshwhotv