It looks like the globalist minions have found one place where they can attempt to deplatform Gab: Their use of CloudFlare for protection from DDOS attacks. Looks like we need an alt-tech alternative to CloudFlare.

#gab #globalists #deplatform #censorship #cloudflare

JE Aggas
4 years ago

We should have done something about this years ago.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Men warned poeople, you called us NAMES, shamed us and refused to listen. Often the only way for people to learn is have this stuff happen to them

JE Aggas
4 years ago

I didn't call you names. I warned to but people were so busy making money they didn't want to sacrifice anything.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

I was generalising, because its GENERALLY true... Too many people dont want to change when they are SAFE and SECURE and 9-5 tax cattle

JE Aggas
4 years ago


Well, UGETube is not working right now. When I try to upload a video to the site, it says that my video is not in one of their acceptable video formats even though my videos are MP4 files, which is one of their acceptable formats. I hope they get their site fixed soon, because I would hate to have to stop using their site after we went through the effort of getting UGETube videos to embed in posts on CreationSocial.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

UGETube uses Cloudflare + Google stuff

In the wake of Donald Trump being purged from the mainstream internet, it turns out that several employees at these Silicon Valley sites don't want to work there anymore, and are trying to seek employment at Gab!

#siliconvalley #censorship #gab #employment #alttech

charlie brownau
4 years ago

They are anti free speech, leftists and sjw, not the type you want working at a free speech platform

Media miracle do exist, even if it's a small one.

#miracles #wsj #retraction #alexjones #infowars

WSJ Retracts Claim Alex Jones Commanded Attack on US Capitol