* The 12 Pillars of Phi *
There are 12 tribes of Israel and 12 Apostles, so let's take a look @
[(1+√5)/2]^12 ... OR ... Φ^12 = (Φ^3)(Φ^3)(Φ^3)(Φ^3) ... see graphic
What do you know about the Golden Ratio (Phi Φ)?

(Φ+1)/Φ = Φ ==> Φ^2 = Φ+1
Φ = (1+√5)/2 = 1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720...
Φ ≈ 1.618 which reminds us of 1618 AD.
John Napier, who died in 1617, discovered logarithms and invented the forerunner of the slide rule (Napier's rods or "bones"):

Since ln(1)=0, I will add one to 1617 to get 1618. ☺☺
Napier also wrote a treatise on the book of Revelation (1593):

The Synod of Dort met in Holland from 1618 to 1619. Here are their conclusions regarding the Sovereignty of God in salvation:

Now, back to our problem (recall: Φ^2 = Φ+1) ...
Φ^12 = (Φ^2)^6 = (Φ+1)^6 = [(Φ+1)^2]^3 = (Φ^2+2Φ+1)^3
= (Φ+1+2Φ+1)^3 = (3Φ+2)^3 = [(3Φ+2)^2](3Φ+2)
= [9(Φ+1)+12Φ+4)(3Φ+2) = 63Φ^2 + 81Φ + 26 = 63(Φ+1) + 81Φ + 26
So, Φ^12 = 144Φ + 89
We happily come back to twelve squared which is gross (12 doz)‼

My inspiration for this #Rant ...

my video on Calc is EZ (1.5K+ views and rising):

my book *Calculus is Easy* >>

FYI: Φ = 2cos(π/5)

* Westminster Wasp - Dead Voter Missing *
Have you seen Sammy "Uncle-my-Uncle" Usanor? This man, born in 1888, is missing & presumed #RED ...
The #DeadVoter Cohort must be fairly represented‼

We must willing to spend £Billions or $Trillions to invest in the search for our lost voters who have passed beyond the veil. To avoid the #Zombie_Apocalypse this is our only option ... time is running out!
tiq-toq ... tiq-toq ... tiq-toq ⛝

A number of people have died at Yellowstone National Park due to animals, noxious fumes, lightning, falling trees and murder:

Should the voter rights of these proud Americans be abrogated, nullified or quashed just because they now have a New Address ↑ ?
#Itza_Cryin_SHAME !!

>> AND in #OtherNewz ...

** Animal Miracles May be on the Rise - Hear the Straight Dope from Richard "John-Boy" Thomas:

** Prepper Convention Runs Out of Canned FOOD:

** Jon Wesley Rutte Recruits Fighters to Join the French Foreign Legionz Engaged in the Conflict in Europe:

Can't get enough of Westminster Wasp? Here's mooore >>

my site: https://totalyouth.us

#WestminsterWasp #WestminsterWaspWED #CryMean ;°( #EdSnowden #Truthers_RIZE ! #Snowflake_THAT ! #Creationista ⛳ #EscapeFrom_AUGUSTA ✓ (starring Kurt Russell) #YOU_Rope_PN €

a taste of satire ... ☺☺
*Westminster Wasp - Crime Vaxxine Rolls Out Next Month*
Dr. Frank N. Schlime of Baltimore has developed an untested anti-crime jab that will prevent criminal tendencies, mean #Twitz and voting to save pre-born humans. The 1st shot will be administered on June 6th @ 6:00 AM ... that's right #Mark666 Dr. Frankie is the Chief Scientific Officer for The Ghett Well Coalition and has promised that the #AverageAmerican will be crime-free within 99 hours of getting the injection.

Happy Young Earth Day! Our latest video covers Claude.ai & Meta.ai along with evidence for a youthful world:

Welcome to Young Earth Today 2030 - Alpha vs. Beta, Got Sci-Fry?

Of course, I'm referencing Science Friday (npr).
Today's topic is an Alpha Course booklet:
Is There a Conflict Between Science and Christianity? by Nicky Gumbel (2016):

You can read a sample here:

Alpha #3 (2016 ed.) vs. Coming to Grips with Genesis (2008):

The Alpha Course is a 15-session intro to Christianity. More than 10 million people have been influenced. It started with Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton in 1977.

TIME mag had an article "God vs. Science" and in it there was a quote from Paul Bloom: "Religion and science will always clash" (Gumbel, pp. 7,8). Bloom misrepresented & criticized Ben Carson in the Atlantic. Bloom is a Psychology Prof at the University of Toronto. Did Dr. Bloom separate twins connected at the head?
Ben Carson gave the Commencement Speech @ Emory University in 2012, how about Dr. Bloom? I met Dr. Carson in Midland, Texas when he was running for President. Dr. Carson has criticized Darwinism and is sympathetic to the Young Earth view. Carson on the evidence for evo:

It's just not there. But when you bring that up to the proponents of Darwinism, the best explanation they can come up with is "Well…uh…it's lost!"…I find it requires too much faith for me to believe that explanation given all the fossils we have found without any fossilized evidence of the direct, step-by-step evolutionary progression from simple to complex organisms or from one species to another species. Shrugging and saying, "Well, it was mysteriously lost, and we'll probably never find it," doesn't seem like a particularly satisfying, objective, or scientific response.

"Benjamin Carson: The Pediatric Neurosurgeon with Gifted Hands" by Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. (2009):

494 faculty, students, and alumni from Emory University made a formal complaint regarding the selection of Dr. Ben Carson as commencement speaker.
"Creationist Doctor Questioned" by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell:

Talk about the persecution of scientists!
Ben Carson - Emory University Commencement Address (2012):

*Westminster Wasp - NSA Wants YOU!*
Do you want to live a life of adventure?
Would you like to travel to exotic locations via the #InterWebz ?
Did you name three of your daughters Polya?
What is your Erdős # and how do you pronounce his name?

My latest book, The Gospel According To Alex Jones, is #6, groovy!
Just search "alex jones" on the Barnes & Noble site:
Alex Jones has been involved in a number of noble causes: 911 Truth, exposing the Bohemian Grove ritual, fighting the New World Order, reporting on the Bundy Ranch, opposing Corona Crisis tyranny etc. However, how would one describe the faith of Jones? Some might call it a mishmash of Scientology, Mormonism and Christian-Lite. Only the true Gospel leads to heaven - see the third chapter written by my good friend Jeff Sinclair who has over sixty messages on #SermonAudio
Christ is Victor, Jay Hall M.S. ╬ Ps. 141:5
fmr. journalist who interviewed Maya Angelou
my site: https://totalyouth.us
"This book is #Amazing ‼" -- Lil Deb (satire) >>

**Young Earth Today 2029 - Truth MEMES for a Young Earth (Rapid Fire edition)!** #Happy2024 !!

We discuss the total solar eclipse, Oklahoma, young earth, MEMEs & Dawkins,
Madame Wu, parity violation, radio-DK, the 87Rb to 87Sr decay rate (62B), Earth's Deep History, Martin "got rox?" Rudwick, Westminster Wasp, Kyle Mann, Jesus' AGE vv (Mk. 10:6; Mk. 13:19,20; Lk. 11:50,51), Marvin Olasky, World Magazine, Mike Johnson, Ark Encounter, The Young Earth, John D. Morris, Don McLeroy, Communist Party, Boston Globe, Ozzy, Moon rocks, dolomite problem, Yandex, Rumble, SwissCows, Genetic Entropy and Lead of the Sea.

my site: https://totalyouth.us

#nachdenken #TrueTruth #TotalYouth #YES #YoungEarth #YoungEarthScience #YoungEarthTheory #Got_Science ? #TreeRings #SolarNeutrinos ✴ #OEF #BigScience #BS #Git_R_Dun ‼ #Science #Geology #OldEarth #Genesis #ThirdRock #OldEarth #NewEarth #Ozzy #Genesis #ThirdRock #GotParity ? #KenHam #ArkEncounter #CreationMuseum #RPM #YouthfulWorld #Moon #Lunar #NationalEnquirer #ScientistsSay_YoungEarth #MartinRudwick #Nickel
123-123+5 = 2Day

Now is the time for #TRUTH ...
Take ur pick: Truth or Consequences (NM)?
When I need popcorn fast, I #ZAP (ND) it.
Four accidents this week?! Too much Weed (5 States).
Go #Vegan & you'll miss ur #RabbitHash (KY).
Would you sing an #Anthem in Atlas (KS, MI)?
Can I grow breakfast w/ Bacon (TX) seeds?
Want more seafood? Plant a Crab Orchard (5 States)!
24 people fit in the lift, but it was a Tightsqueeze (VA).
Have you heard of Erda (UT)?
Has the San Andreas Fault Dunmovin (CA)?
Did the corrupt CEO get a #golden Parachute (CO)?
Are there "build back better" schools in Dummer (NH)?
He wanted to fix the pogo, but couldn't find a Big Spring (TX).
Could you eat 5 pounds of Whitefish (MT) in one sitting?
Did you get #SwedishAmnesia in Swede Heaven (WA)?
Can you buy good Theology @ a Mormon Bar (CA)?
Tell Clark Kent not to eat the Krypton (KY).
Leonidas thought Sparta (11 States) was part of Texas!*
Who dares escape from the Lost City (WV)?
Can a train outrun a horse? Of Corsicana (TX)!
She drives like #Crazy, so they named it Hazardville (CT).
I don't know #Why (AZ)!
If you cross Dutch Village & French Valley (CA, 2 mi apart), what'd you get?
Sadly, she had a case of Corona (CA).
Will America verge into Satans Kingdom (VT, MA, CT)?
The Lord Jesus was born of a Virgin (UT).

* not counting the ghost town under Lake Belton

Truth or Consequences (12-31-56):

Truth or Consequences (OTR):
She Drivez #Like Crazy -- --

I Don't Know Why (snl):

The Golden Parachute (scifi):
Letters to a Mormon Elder:

my site: https://totalyouth.us

LUKE 1:26-35 >>
In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God."

#WestminsterWasp #WestminsterWaspWED #TotalYouth #TrueTruth #DennisMiller #Comedian #Actor #So_NOT_l0l ;°( #Superman #Jor_El #Kal_El #JORL #Got_PAT ?? #virgin #Mary #XMAS #GotSanDimas ?

Check out our 7 point plan to tell James "A Grievance Observed" Lindsay a few things. Socialism Worx? Why do youth reject the Gospel?
#FrancisSchaeffer_WasRight !
Can "science" prove that GOD does not exist?

#JamesLindsay #PauloFreire #IntelligentDesign #Meyer #Bambee