For some background on Benjamin Banneker (d. 1806), see here:

Banneker's dream of Heaven & Hell ...

I thought I was dead and Beheld my Body lay like a corpse, there seemed to be a person in the appearance of a Man, his Raiment somewhat of a sheep skin or bright fawn color, who said follow me. He ascended a Hill on the Top of which was a Large Building. The outside appeared strongly built, of large rough stone. I followed my guide into the House, but did not at first see the beauty of it to the full. It seemed white and bright, and a Large Company sitting, such a number as I never beheld [cf. Rev. 5:11-14]. The farther we went in, the Brighter it appeared, and more like the reflection of the Sun [cf. Acts 26:12-14] ... There appeared a sweetness and composure in every countenance, far beyond what I ever seen in any person while in the Body ... I looked to see if I could Distinguish Men from Women but could not ... I then asked my guide what is this place. He answered Heaven. ... My guide turned about to go out and looked at me and said follow, but I was so much delighted that I was unwilling to follow. ... Then the guide turned on the left hand ... until we were at a lofty grand arch of great width where we entered a Large Room ... which appeared grandly wainscoted and beautifully painted with different colors. The first sight of this beautiful room abated my sorrow, which was very great, while we came down the descent, from leaving the other. I had but just time to take a view of this fine place before a number of persons richly dressed passed us who smelled so strong of Brimstone, that I seemed almost suffocated. All of them were talking to themselves, and before they came to us they looked well, but when they came near, there appeared a blackness on their lips and seemed to mutter to themselves. ... I was seized with horror and asked my guide what is this place and what are these. He answered this place is Hell and them are Miserable forever. ... as I looked round there appeared in my view a Woman Friend, plainly dressed in a green apron, whom I remembered well when I was young. I often took notice of her for the Solidity of her Deportment particularly in Meeting. I eagerly made up to her and said what art thou among the Miserable, tell me, tell me what brought thee hither. She wept and said, "No wrong that I have done between Man and Man, but unfaithfulness and disobedience to my God brought me hither." ... We met many like the other, in appearance and smell, that I seemed almost suffocated with Brimstone. I then in great bitterness of spirit said to my guide, tell me am I to remain here forever. I thought a little time past if I had died I had secured an Inheritance among the first we saw. My guide stood and looking steadfastly at me said thou art not to remain here, but to return to the World again. If thou art faithful to thy God, thou mayest have an inheritance among the first, but I have something else to show thee. He went a little farther, when another arch appeared ... wherein abundance of people were assembled, to worship and saying, "Amen, Lord have mercy upon us, Christ have mercy upon us." These appeared more plane in their dress and looked whiter. I said to my guide these are not Miserable too, and he said these are Miserable, these are they who thought to be saved by a profession of Religion, but have not the white robes of Righteousness ... I saw an Intimate Friend whom I much loved (this friend died in About a Month after) coming towards the Gate and two persons conducting him he looked very Sorrowful on me, and I on him. I asked him art thou going amongst the Miserable, what is thy offence, what has thou done? Tell me. He answered, "Beware of Covetousness, and the love of Money, that brought me hither." We both wept much and were greatly troubled. ... My guide had me to a place, where there was just room to go Out, he stood and looked at me, and earnestly said thou are now going into the World again. Remember what thou hast seen, it is not enough to be honest to Man, thou must be honest and faithful to thy God. ... then I awoke, but the horror and distress I felt on my mind I am not capable of Expressing. I seem as if I fetched my breath in a room where Sulfur and Brimstone were burning. ... I thought I could not live many Hours if the Almighty in the Extendings of his Boundless Goodness had not Regard to me a poor unworthy Creature and caused that Suffocating smell to pass from me ... and enabled me to vent my sorrow in many Tears, after which my tossed mind was favored with a Calm. [1]

In these days of #Limbo lollygaggle theology, many scholars push the doctrine of hell #7734# below the surface. We read this from the Westminster Confession of Faith (ch. XXXIII, pt. 2):

The end of God’s appointing this day, is for the manifestation of the glory of his mercy in the eternal salvation of the elect; and of his justice in the damnation of the reprobate, who are wicked and disobedient. For then shall the righteous go into everlasting life, and receive that fullness of joy and refreshing which shall come from the presence of the Lord: but the wicked, who know not God, and obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ, shall be cast into eternal torments, and be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. (Rom. 9:22,23, Rom. 2:5,6, 2 Thes. 1:7-9, Mt. 25:21,31-34,41&46, Acts 3:19) [2]

We also hear this from Jude, the ½ brother of Jesus:

Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord at one time delivered his people out of Egypt, but later destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling - these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. (Jude 1:5-7)

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HW: find the connection between Benjamin Rush (d. 1813) & Banneker.
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** graphic source:

1) Benjamin Banneker - Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot by Charles Cerami (John Wiley & Sons, NYC, 2002), pp. 59-61.
2) Westminster Confession of Faith (ch. XXXIII, pt. 2):

#WestminsterWasp #TrueTruth #Liberty #Freedom #Patriot #farming #Banneker #Maryland #Almanac #ephemeris #Planets #clocks #Jefferson #Baltimore #MD #DC #TotalYouth #BenjaminRush

*Westminster Wasp - Johnny Mac Drops Sun Valley & Goes Hollywood*
Dear SBC, LCMS, Branch Davidians & SciFi New Agerz:
the following contains satire.

Welcome to Thursday Nite Lives‼
Fill Jonsen: And now from our spectacular Burbank studio, here's Johnny!
Johnny Mac: Hey Fill, did you hear that Arnold* is going to be Governor of California again.
Fill: Huh?!
Johnny: Yeah, for sure, he told me just yesterday, "I'll be back!"
Fill: OK folks, it's times for Bible Quiz‼
Fill: Oh Sage of Sun Valley, what is the name of Moses' older brother who died when he was 123 yo [Num. 33:39]?
Johnny: Aaron.
Fill: Sorry Fullerton Brush Man, only real Bible scholars get to eat lutefisk. The correct answer is Ay-Ay-Ron. Better luck next time [Pr. 16:33].
Johnny: Yo Fill, have you considered hosting an Amateur Hour featuring up-and-coming singers and dancers?
Fill: Hmmmm ... maybe I'll call it "Fill & the Blanks." Next, we have a new episode of The Amazing Midian! Oh Canadian Anglican who thinks tall thoughts, here is your first envelope [Johnny holds it to his head].
TAM: Andy Stanley [Johnny opens the sealed envelope & reads the enclosed card] ... What famous son of Charles Stanley (d. 4-18-23) said the following? "The Bible did not create Christianity. The resurrection of Jesus created and launched Christianity. Your whole house of Old Testament cards can come tumbling down. The question is, did Jesus rise from the dead? And the eyewitnesses said he did."

Fill: Oh Verbose-on-the-Verses and former football star [LA Pacific College], here is your second envelope.
TAM: Sy Garte ... What biochemist with a two-letter first name said this: "I read the Gospels and had another shock [after visiting a lively, friendly church]: I found them beautiful and inspiring. So far as I could tell, they carried the ring of truth. And the Book of Acts struck me as actual history, not at all like a fictional account concocted to enslave the masses - the kind of reading my Marxist upbringing would have conditioned me to affirm."

** True Prime Stories **
On April 4th, 1968, John MacArthur was speaking with John Perkins and Charles Evers, the brother of Medgar Evers (d. 6-12-63), in Jackson, Mississippi. Suddenly, a man burst into the room and said, "Martin Luther King has been assassinated!" In 1969, John M. Perkins led boycott efforts during the Civil Rights Movement. During the following year, Perkins was arrested and tortured because of his involvement in a protest march in Mendenhall (MS). Because of his association with those in the Civil Rights Movement, John MacArthur was once taken to the police station - being accused of stirring up trouble.
John MacArthur - Servant of the Word and Flock by Iain H. Murray (Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, UK, 2011), p. 26.

Key & Peele (Ay-Ay-Ron):

The Amazing Carnac (1982):

The Works of His Hands: A Scientist’s Journey from Atheism to Faith by Sy Garte (2019):

* I drove by the Tonight Show studios on the day that Arnold announced his candidacy for Governator of Cali.

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"You know I'm fresh" - Johnny Mac RAP (shootin' hoops)

#Acts17 #HolySpirit #Mendenhall #WestminsterWasp #WestminsterWaspWED #TrueTruth #TotalYouth #JohnnyMac #Grace2U #SunValley #SyGarte #AndyStanley #PhilJohnson #ATLANTA #CharlesStanley #N-Tutch #Got_OT ?? #God_Is #GotSatire ? #LetsGoFunny ! #A_A_Ron #BlindMii_WScience #Buy_Denz #Jackson #Acts10

** Tucker "Dancew" Starz Starts 13 Step Group **
Do you like hangin' out with your buds on TUE nites and drink bucket loads of coffee? Are you a Journalist, News Anchor, Media Mogul or #SocMed Content Creator? Do you believe in a Higher Power? Well, have I got a deal for YOU! Tucker-the-TruthTeller has created a new support group to help those escaping the Fake News Cult. You too can say the #Pledge ...

Howdy! My name is Irene and I am powerless to save myself and overcome my fraud addiction on my own. I promise to send Bibles to all those I've pulled the flim-flam on. I pledge to call and/or text my #Mentor daily to remain accountable. I lean on my Lord Jesus Christ and the grace of God to overcome my life-dominating sin. One day at a time, I have the victory. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah‼

Tucker plans to start chapters in DC, NYC, LA, Portland, #SanFran and other Leftist towns. After receiving their 5 year pin, all members get a free copy of "Uncle Bob's Big Book of Change." What is the 13th step? ...

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom. 10:9,10)

Also these top stories ...
** Climate Change & the #Death of #MAN **
** Andrew Tate Does the Manly Thing **
for the full version with pics go here:
Just search: Adams Lost Dream

** God's Glory, Corona is OK, Peoplez are Crazy **
Mysterious ballad smashes thru the #HitParade
This old man and me
We're at the pub and wii
Talkin' politix and
Portland's lost RED bricks
We talked about God's grace
And all the towns we razed
God is glorious, Corona is OK
And peoplez are crazy
What brings you to Redpillo?
Frankly, I just don't know
We spoke of life and death
He lit a cancer stick
Front page obituary
Death's knock just won't tarry
#BillyCurrington #OliverAnthony #PeopleAreCrazy #GreekMythz #GeorgeBarna #GotPollz ? #SurveySez #richmin #Mr_E #TwoTim3 #NextWeek #JeffDurbin

Australian philosopher Michael Devitt (CUNY - NYC) has a new book with the same title as mine (Oxford University Press). If you search "biological essentialism" on Amazon, you get a book about Chinese Volleyball as a top suggestion! The point is that few books supporting the traditional view of biological essentialism shows up on the list. That is, basic types of life exhibit limited change - the true UnDarwinism.
On the other hand, when you search "biological essentialism" (without quotes) on Barnes & Noble, my book Biological Essentialism is #1 ‼
I am thrilled that Devitt referenced my History of Science Prof, David B. Kitts (pp. 6, 95). Kitts was a Professor in both the Geology and the History of Science departments (OU):

#Aristotle #Plato #MichaelDevitt #JayHall #BiologicalEssentialism #essentialism #philosophy #Kitts #stasis #FixityOfSpecies #Oderberg #Feser #Genesis #Biology

** Notice: we have an interview coming up @ noon tomorrow (CST).
Dating the age of the cosmos is a favorite pastime of evolutionists, Progressive Creationists, and Young Earth Creationists. This month it was announced that the universe may not be 13.8 billion years old but may actually be double that, 27 billion years old. Can we definitively answer who is right?
The Dating Game - Midwest Christian Outreach:

Seven Days That Divide the World by John Lennox came out in 2011.
Some folk can't cope with the overwhelming evidence from Science and History for Young Earth Science #YES ...
John Lennox and the Seven Days of #TrueTruth
#YoungEarth #Creationista #JohnLennox #Genesis #CreationWeek

On the 7th Day, there was John Lennox ... that is, he was a twinkle in Father Adam's eye. Dr. Lennox was actually born in 1943 AD.

John Lennox holds to the Big Bing ... "Shore" said the dinosaur ♪
The Dino-Media may pretend that T-Rex and human coexistence is a pile of blarney, however ...
#YoungEarth #Creationista #JohnLennox #Genesis #CreationWeek

** Van Damme vs. Van Til (aka Van Til - An Apology) **
The famous action figure was raised Roman Catholic. Of course the big apologist in the #RCC world is the "Angelic Doctor" Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274). In definite contrast to Aquinas' tactics is Van Til's presuppositional approach.
Cornelius Van Til was a Christian apologist who moved from the Netherlands to Indiana at a young age and was educated at Calvin College and Princeton. He taught at Westminster Theological Seminary for 43 years. He studied under Louis Berkhof at Calvin Theological Seminary. He taught Apologetics at Princeton Theological Seminary for one year! Van Til was Apologetics Prof at Westminster (Philly) from 1929, when it was founded, till 1972. That is, Van Til 1972‼
Any fact must be based on the axioms of the Trinity, the Bible is true and Christianity if real. Unless we look at life through a Christian worldview, nothing makes ultimate sense.
Please support us on #Patreon to see our latest videos "Mortimer Adler's Apologetic" & "Van Damme vs. Van Til" >>
Also, included is my paper "Apologetics 101" with helpful discussion questions (8 pages).

**Mortimer Adler's Apologetic**
The late philosopher Mortimer Adler (d. 2001), who wrote the popular How to Read a Book, was the chairman of the board of editors of the Encyclopedia Britannica and was the man behind the Great Books series that came out in the early 1950's. He penned Truth in Religion: The Plurality of Religions and the Unity of Truth in 1990. Adler points out, "If the religions of Far Eastern origins do not claim to be supernatural knowledge, based of divine revelation, then they are theoretical or moral philosophies masquerading as religions." Adler rejected polytheism and non-theism. He said that the existence of a supreme being could be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
Please support us on #Patreon to see our latest videos "Mortimer Adler's Apologetic" & "Van Damme vs. Van Til" >>
Also, included is my paper "Apologetics 101" with helpful discussion questions (8 pages).