Gang Stalking Australia Zionist Global Communist Takeover Wake Up 1614125695

Boston bombings after watching this video and you still think covid-19 is real youre an idiot

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Plandemic so massive , we need the goverment, media and business's to re enforce it "exists" and demand to be 'affraid'

Trapped on a Covid ward when nothing wrong with you

charlie brownau
3 years ago

New World Goverment - 2030 , World Plandemic 2020-2024 , Global Reset 2021-2022 , Forced Vaccine goyim 2021-2022. You can be sure they will do a FALSE FLAG white 'nationalists' vs Muslims or blacks to demand more censorship , gun 'control' and demestic terrorism laws

charlie brownau
3 years ago

LBRY CEO is a Jewish Zionist BTW