When Critical Race Theory Leads to White Mass Murder (Anti Whiteism)
- bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/5f2hevciz4KI/
- odysee - https://odysee.com/@RealRedElephants:d/When-Critical-Race-Theory-Leads-to-Mass-Murder:8
#AntiWhite #Woke #CRT #race #guilt #blame

JBS is the same way. Egalitarianism & multiCULTurali$m are kike bullshit. The OT in the Bible tells The West how to run a legitimate government, and it doesnā€™t license hoardes of useless eaters within our borders!

Give the ā€˜chuckers AND Their Ko$$ack owners 40 days to GTFO, and failing that, forcibly remove them. If they resist, greaseā€™ em.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Egalitarianism/Equalness is goverment forced equal outcome

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Christian cucks are going to get a rude fucking awakening on equality and race during 2030-2040 , even if this means a shitload of them have to get slaughed by blacks, jews, muslims and goverment

Armchair Economist
4 years ago

Exhibit A on why the west is finished.

As a tribute to our dad who died from the jab
Family getting jabbed on the way back from the funeral

#IQ #RACE #Liberalism #diversity #convid #Plandemic #jab

Honest Muslim Explains Sharia Blasphemy Laws
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gzbf0t2TJvU/

#REGION #diversity #enrichment #multiculturalism

Convert or pay
Critism is DEATH

Before 9/11,
7 countries in the world had central banks not controlled by the Rothschilds.

In 2003, Afghanistan and Iraq both switched to Rothschilds.
In 2011, Sudan and Libya.

Today only Iran, North Korea and Cuba have held out against the Rothschilds.
#everysingletime #banks #centralbanks #jews #israel #Agenda21
#Cuba #iran #northkorea

Space Virgins Get Lucky?

#flatearth #lens #hoaxed #NASA #goverment #system #control #sheeple

Youā€™re not gonna start pushing Vegan bullshit too, are you? #GAMMAland

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Shit No - Eric is outright WRONG about Veganism

Israelā€™s Candiru sold states spyware to hack journalists and dissidents
#israel #zionism #judaism #spying #jews #spyware #microsoft #intel

What about Jewish Spying
What about Jewish Interference
What about Jewish Lobbies
What about Jewish Supremacy
What about Jewish Terrorism

No way she meant to say thatā€¦. Itā€™s a no from meā€¦ share -
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/4duAJKwlGCX9/

They admitted vaccines can kill people under 27

WooCommerce Security Alert

( WPCrafter.com WordPress For Non-Techies)
#wordpress #woocommerce #selfhosting #ecommerce #security

TTOR portable basketball Hoop


4 years ago

Lol. I actually have a hoop outside that is better than that

White House:
If youā€™re banned for ā€œmisinformationā€ on one mainstream platform,
you should be banned from ALL mainstream platforms

No Freedom of Speech
No Freedom of Expression
No Freedom of Region
No Freedom of Moverment
No medical body freedom

Pay Tax
Work 40 hours
Think what we say
Complance or else

All GOVERMENT is slavery

4 years ago

Good luck making me ban people for misinformation, Jen