* Trump is Anti White
* Trump is Israel First
* Trump is not on our side
* Trump is a zionist kike traitor
* Trump is banker bought
* Trump is for white replacement
* Trump is Big Bussiness Buddy
* Trump is a Big Phama Pimp (Operation WarpSpeed)
* Trump is anti Free speech+Gun grabber

Right wing/GOP/Trump are not on White peoples side
they are on the side of Jews/Israel

Wake up goyim

For Liberty's Sake - The Left's Assaults' On Liberty

Eric Thompson Released another podcast today

Once again he gets facts wrong,
core princples weak/wrong
Honestly its going backwards in time

- All Goverment is slavery

- Both LEFT and RIGHT are puppets to reach Agenda 21 / World Goverment / NWO / 2030

* Trump is Anti White
* Trump is Israel First
* Trump is not on our side
* Trump is a zionist kike traitor
* Trump is banker bought
* Trump is for white replacement
* Trump is Big Bussiness Buddy
* Trump is a Big Phama Pimp (Operation Warp speed)
* Trump is anti Free speech and gun grabber

Time for some Zombie Slaying

Inventor harvests methane gas from ditches and ponds to power his moped https://www.notechmagazine.com/2021/07/inventor-harvests-methane-gas-from-ditches-and-ponds-to-power-his-moped.html

Engines arnt the problem
Its goverment, corporations and Big Oil

NASA admitting in its own report - Earth is a non spining flat plane

This report derives and defines a set oflinearized system matrices
for a rigid aircraft of constant mass, flying in a stationary atmosphere over
flat, nonrotating earth
#NASA #Not_Spining #Flat

BTW I use Arch :-)

LibreWolf Appimages for Linux
- https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/appimage/-/releases
#browser #librewolf #opensource #appimages

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Bearit - Check out my collection of appimages

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Did you see my script bearit, it contains a few appimages in the download phase

Study Finds -
Handwriting is better than typing when learning a new language, study finds
- https://www.sciencealert.com/handwriting-is-better-than-typing-when-learning-to-read-study-finds

No Shit
We are re learning pust truths

Turns out Digital isnt always a good or better thing
Who knew ..............................

Armchair Economist
4 years ago

I used to be able write in latin.... lost it when school ended. I used to be able to speak Spanish. Lost it when i headed our of California for 8 years. ....i used to be be able code in COBOL and HTML a little. use it or lose it.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

I used to do Basic and Pascal coding years ago

The Real Origins of Jesus Christ - Know More News LIVE feat. Christopher Jon Bjerknes
- Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/AGqrli7cdC3Y/

- Odysee - https://odysee.com/@KnowMoreNews:1/The-Real-Origins-of-Jesus-Christ:6
#Christianity #region #Jews #jewish #zionism #Agenda21 #NWO #lies #exposed