Why did everything go red ?

4 years ago

Fourth of July weekend. It will go back to being blue on July 5

03/July/2021 - QLD Authorities announce an end to the COVID-19 lockdown
- ABC 'News' -

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVgO39Bk5sMo66-6o6Spn6Q

ZERO deaths

This week:
- 8 cases (people infected apprently)
- 3 overseas quantineen
- 5 locally

- 47 active cases (people SICK with convid flu)

This week :-
* 25k tests
* 14k jabs

* Muzzle Mandate till Friday 16 July 2021
* Goverment survliance tracking for all business's (contact "tracing")

#Convid #plandemic #WEF #JAB #Agenda21 #2030 #Event21 #gates #G7
#survliance #tracing

Is Your Car Snitching to the Government? | Weekly News Roundup - https://www.joshwhotv.com/v/.QG4_xA

(SwitchedToLinux) [joshwhoTV]
#2030 #survliance #digital #Spying #goverment #Fiveeyes #police #FBI

$5 Emergency Water Filter -

#water #filter #natural #carbon #sand #gravel

Spanish Doctors Find GRAPHENE in the COVID Vaccines,
Some Scientists Say it Can CONTROL Your Mind
- bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/CD77EJrCNJRm/

- odysee - https://odysee.com/@RealRedElephants:d/Final:f
#GRAPHENE #ppe #toxic #jab #mask #muzzle #magnetic #depopulation #Agenda21 #Event201 #PLANDEMIC

VermiPonics - Aquaponics with worms instead of Fish - https://www.redwormcomposting.com/gardening/vermiponics/
#VermiPonics #Aquaponics #hydroponics #garden #growing #vegies
#underground #container #nopests #nospray #nochemials

Sorghum - White Bread Replacement (Gluten free) / Keto Bread

Sorghum - Growing it (looks like corn)

Sorghum - Cooking it into bread

#ketolifestyle #keto #carb #Sorghum #glutten #homestead #garden

Fox News cuts off Trump after he derails 'border'
press conference with election rant
#fox #controlledopposition #censorship #shutitdown #border #voting

5 Reasons Why Windows 11 Sucks (And Why Linux is Better)

(The Linux Cast) [censortube]
#windows11 #linux #thelinuxcast #microsoft #survliance

RT: Anti-LGBT law passed in Hungary divides EU
- Rejection of Libealism + Anti White
#UN #EU #Anti-white #LGBT #trans #Mentallyillness #selfharm #Hungary #2030