The New Zealand government plan to “CHASE DOWN“ people
who refuse to take the COVID death-shot!

#depopulation #posion #Convid #plandemic #Event201 #WEF #Agenda21 #2030 #NZ

Trump Fears Maxwell (Blackmailled) , IDF Spergs Save Florida,
Bowing to the Chosen People, & More - Know More News Live
- Bitchute -

- Odysee -
#corrupt #israel #jews #zionism #trump #choosenpeople #Agenda21 #2030

Raytheon, the nation's second-largest American defense contractor,
has launched a critical race theory program that
encourages white employees to confront their "privilege,"
reject the principle of "equality," and "defund the police". (
#anti-white #corporation #raytheon #Jewery #america

Audacity Gets Sneeded - Fork it (Mental Outlaw) [Odysee]
#audacity #opensource #fork #sound #sneed #4chan

Bill Gates' Yearly Hall Pass to Cheat On His Wife (Terrencepopp)

#billgates #micro #soft #hallpass #crossdressor #tranny #marriage #island

Dr. Duke Debates Zio Critic Greg Felton on whether
International World Jewish Zionism &
Israel are driven by Jewish Racial Supremacism

#debate #race #nationalism #subvert #zionism #Parasite #gregfelton #book

For the "Patriots", Christians, Civnats and Equality people

I dont consider Christianity or ANY region a valid method or base
to restore White Nations & fight against the International Dictorship
that is coming in 2030

We need real solutions
- Ethnic Nationalism
- Ethnic Protectionism
- Ethnic Seperation
- Truth/Science/stats/evidence/data

Women are NOT equal to Men
Only 2 sex's exist - Male and Females
Women are NOT suited to be leaders, boss's , CEOS
Blacks are not Equal to Whites
Equality is forced equal OUTCOME
Taxation is theif
Goverment is slavery

White Power for Whites
Black Power for Africans
Chinese Power for Chinese
Russian Power for Russians
Japanese Power for Japanese

About Me / My Poltical Values -

White Straight Australian Male
* Linux/Techie/Anime/Nerd
* Free Speech extremist
* Voluntism+Agorism
* Keto/SHTF/Offgrid
* Aquaponics/Container farming/Self Reliance
* Flat Earth
* Ethnic Nationalism
* Race & Gender Realist
* JQ pilled

I dont care if your offended, drink a cup of HARDEN UP

BOOK REVIEW - The Host and the Parasite (Mark Collett/PA)
- Bitchute -

- Odysee -
#Parasite #goverment #nationalism #race #socialism #facism
#Internationalism #Zionism #Jews #israel #America #subvert

Store: The Host and the Parasite -

Could Debian get Forked to Lesbian without the snowflakes and trannies
#NSFW #Lesbians

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Huge shitstorm with the Audacity project and Audaforks , turns out a left wing snowflake commie forked it to allow anti whites into his area to take over and it was exposed by 4chan