Jews Plot Against Us

(MartinezPerspective) [bitchute]

* Jews are behind replacing Whites in their own white nations
* International ZIONISM

Robot Wax
4 years ago

VIDEO RESTRICTEDThis video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions on the parent channel:
Contains Incitement to HatredPlease see the Community Guidelines for more details.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Do you have a VPS ? you could download the clip via SSH

The Australian Killing Spree Who Should be Punished? and How? -
(Tim Dwyer) [censortube]

This thing runs OFFICE and ADOBE APPS like they were NATIVE? -

( The Linux Experiment) [censortube]

Running Adobe + Microsoft apps via VM via Linux

Anti White ""American" FBI on their knees
Half way to sucking black & Jewish cock

- Twatter - Indian Dinesh D'Souza [1440x1418 - 174KB] (

#bendover #submit #comply #cuck

We've Reached the End of White Christian America
- 14/Oct/2016 -

Robot Wax
4 years ago

White American Evangelical Christians supported Jews and Israel. If you support and make a bargain with the Devil and this is how he will repay you.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Christains as a collective over the last 25 years have demanded i get shutdown and silenced and refuse to talk about the deep issues, they as a collective group are PART OF THE PROBLEM

Robot Wax
4 years ago

There's an issue with speaking about Christians as a collective and that is they aren't one. Reformist Christians in the US don't like Protestants because they think they are Godless and they are right, for the most part. The Protestants and Reformists both don't like Catholics, mostly because of some bizarre conspiracy theories and general bigotry. Catholics can't except either group because they are both heretics. Orthodoxers are OK, in general, but there are still issues. The worst of all are the Reformist Christians who have completely lost their faith and understanding of God and support mindless death and mayhem in Israel because they believe that nothing they do will ever send them to Hell. It is a scary cult at this point. The different groups are just that, different and can't be collectivised anymore than Jews and Christians and Muslims can be collectivised.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

LDS has been subverted as a system and collective, it now supports abortion, gays and multiculturalism

Russia Abandoning The USD Dollar & Increasing Gold Holdings -
( Heise Says US) [censortube]

#russia #gold #currency #USD #economy #goldstandard #Globalism #freetrade

Robot Wax
4 years ago

This is just another aspect of the Great Reset. Russia isn't stepping out of line to ditch the dollar. All of this has been planned months and years in advance. The Jews have created so much debt that the system is going to collapse soon. A reset is inevitable.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

In the end money is worthless as digital and paper ,its only worth what the market chooses , well without forced goverment intervention

Fauci Thrown Under the Bus & The UFO Ghey-Op - FF Ep123
- Around 19 minutes:- no go zones excluding whites from areas in UK

#migration #replacement #Agenda21
#2030 #2066 #Nonwhite #white #race #nationalism