Why Trump Had To Endorse Experimental Vaccines!
Fauci Gates Big Pharm BUSTED! [DS] Control Thru Fear

If you want to find RACISM go down the street to the local jewish Church

Robot Wax
4 years ago

These racist lying kikes can't even keep their story straight. They invite the Muslims and immigrants in and then stir the pot to create unrest. They are Jewish Supremacists. Jews believe that they are the Chosen Ones and that they will rule over the entire world, so it makes sense that they are the Supremacists whipping up division on both sides of the political spectrum.

Danish Authorities Shut Down Access To Bitchute
Over “Dangerous” COVID-19 Information

Denmark’s National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) petitioned for a court order to block the site and ISPs followed suit by blocking access to users.

“The National Police Cyber Crime Center (NC3) has blocked the homepage
that your browser has tried to access contact as there is reason to assume
that from the website commits a violation of criminal law, which has a
background in or connection with the covid-19 epidemic in Denmark,”
states a message users see when trying to access Bitchute.


I came across this
Danish National Cyber Crime Centre - Kim Aarenstrup - how to fight cyber crime

and this

Google confirms black diversity exec
no longer in role after problematic post about Jewish people in Israel - https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/3/22515377/google-kamau-bobb-blog-post-controversy

#truth #israel #Diversity #Anti-white #jews #zionism #satanic #google

That’s what a goy plebe gets for not remembering his place.

Robot Wax
4 years ago

"To learn who rules over you just find out who you cannot criticise."

Why would you pay for this anti white shite

Twitter Blue subscription service launches in Australia and Canada https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-57348456
#twatter #checkmark #verifted #antiwhite #whitehate

Many Aussies Will Never Own a Home - Housing affordability Crisis -

( Heise Says) [censortube]
#Agenda21 #2030 #Australia #white #costofliving
#currency #GDP #economy #minwage #housing

Controlled opposition getting atacked by controlled opposition
short take talking about controlled opposition take on controlled oppsiition take on controlled opposition
- Andy Ngo Nearly Gets MURDERED by Antifa, I Nuke Tim Pool's GARBAGE TAKE From Orbit

Freedom Solutions Before 2030 - Linux OS (08/March/2021)
(charliebrownau) [joshwhotv]
#operatingsystem #software #linux #opensource #sourccode
#piracy #secuirty #encyption #PC #freedom #alt-tech

Charliebrownau Banned from Minds - 6:30PM AEST - 01/Feb/2021

(Update They sent a autogenderated email)


#minds #jewish #soros #controlled-opposition #kosher #platform #censorship #freespeech #jewish-question #race #nationalism #centralbanks #everysingletime

Armchair Economist
4 years ago

Join the club.....i got banned on minds too. Minds was my first social media web site. I had one large channel and a small back up channel. I walked away from it o ce my large channel was banned....fuck them