TTORS beef with Toba and his undying loyality to Israel , Multi Racialism Equality and Statism
refuses him to see toba is telling the truth about the situation that white nations are enduring

Military man speaks about the ICE WALL of Antarctica on Crater Flat Plane Earth
(not Spining Globe Ball Earth) - 06/Nov/2021

#Antarctica #flatearth #ball #Hoax #gravity #UN

Antarctic Treaty - 1959-1961-2010

Who Really Controls the U.S. Government (Remastered)

- Israel has got more then USD$121 BILLION since 1949 from American tax cattle working class
- Hart Cellar Act - Imported Jew removed White Only Policy
- Feminism - Jews
- LGBT - Jews
- Hollywood - Jews
- Central banks, finical industy, creation of Federal Reserve - Jews
- Multi racialism, Open Borders, Diversity - Jews
- Wars in Middle East - Jews
- Uniparty scam/marxism/Neocons/Commies - Jews

The US Birthrate COLLAPSES as Record Number of Women Get Sterilized and Sperm Count in Men Plummets

#USA #Kike #israel #jews #depopulation #goyim #posion #toxins #sperm #Sterilization #feminism #diversity #Agenda21 #WEF #2030

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago


Intel Disables DirectX 12 API Loading on Haswell Processors (intel graphics driver)

Upgrade goyim
no running older hardware

#intel #processor #firmware #haswell #directX #API #PCMR

HAMMERSTREAM Fundraiser for Tom Sewell Case
#Australia #Nationalist #Court #setup #coverup #ASIO #FBI #Spying #Gayjews #TomSewell

Israel's vaccinated are the sick ones hits MAJOR NEWS STATION (finally),-hits-MAJOR-NEWS-STATION-(finally):0
#jabbed #infected #Bigphama #Plandemic #Convid #Agenda21 #depopulation #2020 #2030

The sick and in hospital are the tested and jabbed
not the heathly unjabbed/untested

Take your bloodcloth infection death shot goyim

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

How can people not see it? The media manipulated the mind to literally ignore statistics!

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Brainwashed sheep after generations of listen and belive state complance

Trump: "I could have run for office in Israel and won easily"
#kike #israelfirst #puppet #Agenda21 #NWO #2030 #plandemic #jab #warsforisrael #trump

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

He did say that a lot of Jews in America do not like Israel. Interesting 🤔

Proving the Sun Rotates Over a Flat Earth - Must See Evidence by Corey Kell
# Flat Earth #plane #realm #Sun #moon #Goverment #System #science