The Good Housewife "In Her Kitchen" (1949)
#kitchen #women #tradationalism #1940s #1950s #food #fridge
Kentucky School Staff Get Lap Dances From Male Students in Lingerie
(Note Salty Cracker is JEWISH)
Florida school board member celebrates taking elementary school kids to a gay bar
Home Schooling
Eco Villages
Offgrid Township
Away from Internationa Liberal Multiculturalism
Self Segeration
Self Seperation
Deem education of young up to - Parents, Family, Community and Friends
Not International Federal Goverment, Anti Whites and those wishing the worst for us and our young
via subverison brainwashing ,etc
Church is not a viable solution, its part of the problem
Part of white genocide is white faggotry
@BearItGaming Who knows? Either they're not involved, or they are straight up crazy parents!
Multiple things wrong
Race Mixing
Fag Strip Bar
Kids in the gay bar
Kids wearing muzzle
Bad colors
Unatural poor lighting
Kids around beer/wine
Texas Churches Welcome Afghan Refugees
#Multiculturalism #race-mixing #Liberalism #Jab #equal-outcome #Diversity #Agenda21 #Statism #church #nonwhite #immigration #white-replacement #demographics
This is why White Straight Males are giving up on the system, the state, churches and International Egalitarianism
as they can see Western Destruction, Anti White System and weak subverted brainwashed society
that puts everyone else but white race first
Its the JEWS
Odysee Update 3 - Happrening to someone else also -
Why would BitChute AND Odysee have this problem? Could it have to do with the algorithm, or maybe you can't say certain things?
IQ Difference Between Race
#difference #iq #genetics #RACE #NATIONALISM #IDENITY #BELLCURVE
Deaths among male Children are 83% higher than the 5-year-average since they were given the Covid-19 Vaccine (UK)
– The Expose -
" An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered
and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 89% rise in deaths among male children
against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%."
" The UK’s Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
have openly admitted that they suspect myocarditis and pericarditis are potential side effects
of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, especially among young males.
A suspicion that has been strong enough for the UK Medicine Regulator to officially
add warnings about myocarditis and pericarditis to the safety labels of the Covid-19 vaccines."
Nancy Pelosi admits - ON CAMERA - that gov't cannot mandate vaccination
#plandemic #bigphama #depopulation #posion #immunesystem #convid #goverment
#Agenda21 #2020 #2030 #jab #bloodclot #WEF #youwontownanythingandbehappy
Update: Every comment I made on odysee is also removed
The same thing happens for me on BitChute!
ASlmost like a organised approach to shut down people, certain infomraiton to supress certain stuff coming out