Julian Lee - The Jewish Double Standard For Race
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/EoVr57IJHaEg/

(Holocaust Lies Exposed) [bitchute]

#doublestandard #jewishpower #jewishsurpremcy #whites #nationalism

Animal Rights in Hitler's Germany
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/guaXgBK2ffDU/
(Holocaust Lies Exposed) [bitchute]
#animals #rights #germany

SHTF Mask - USD$90 - KISCHERS Reusable Full Face Respirator
- Large Against Dust/Organic Vapors/Smells/Fumes/Sawdust/Asbestos Suitable for Painting,Staining,Car Spraying,Sanding &Cutting

- https://www.amazon.com/KISCHERS-Reusable-Respirator-Asbestos-Suitable/dp/B08JV2JZS7/

#mask #SHTF #dust #Asbestos #sanding

Tails OS migrating to Wayland

Yup just slap TOR over Ubuntu and its magically fixed

#tails #TOR #security #linux #distro

Wimpy/Martin Wimpress, Ubuntu Desktop Lead, is Leaving Canonical -


#linux #corporation #ubuntu #mate #wimpy

Alex Jones And Paul J Watson Before Selling Out to Israel/Zionists - https://www.bitchute.com/video/g0hB13ghp8gC/

(Holocaust Lies Exposed) [bitchute]
#infoshills #exposed #shills #sellout #alexjones

53% of mothers who have children with ""Gender Identity Disorder""
also have Borderline Personality Disorder

- Mentally ill MOTHERS pushing child abuse, mulation and brainwashing onto kids - https://ruqqus.com/+AWFL/post/7fp2/53-of-mothers-who-have-children


#mothers #mentalillness #mulation #male #depopulation

Trans is
Mental Illness
Child abuse
Anti Male
Anti Population
Anti White
White Genicode

If it was "WAR" this wold be a WAR CRIME

The Scottish "" Nationalist "" Parties Mess!

(Omegon) [bitchute]

#UNAgenda21 #Globalists #Antiwhite #scotland #goverment

Netanyahu - Investigating Israeli war crimes is anti-semitism
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/1gR9zufBMhzi/

#warcrimes #jews #isreal #accountable #guilty

Controlled Opposition S666 claims Leftists Can Be Deradicalized
- Magically before 2028-2030 no doubt
- Misdirection tax cattle

- https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Ds09DJA9sU/

#statism #goverment #agenda21 #UN #ISRAEL