Whos ready to REMOVE wamans 'rights'

- Hold women accountable for their own invidual actions/choices
- No more wamans always inocent
- No more pussy pass
- No more female double standards
- Women arrested, trailed and jailed for false claimed

- Remove Abortion
- Remove Paid Pregant time off
- Remove Sick Pay
- Remove holiday pay

- Remove Income Tax
- Remove Wage Tax
- Remove Payroll Tax
- Remove GST

- Lower min wage - 10 dollars per hour

- No more Divorce 'Settlement'
- No more alimony
- No more child support
- No more No fault Divorce

- No more Diversity Hires
- No more Affirm action
- No more Forced female ceo roles
- No more Gender quotas

#waman #rights #equality #femalenature #feminism

Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Jews and their Lies - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Fv6zp4fQPj7T/
(Ozzy Guy) [bitchute]
#nationalism #race #patriotism #jews #agenda21

Local Currency -
Goldback - Local Minted Notes printed out of actual gold (America)


* https://www.moneymetals.com/buy/gold/goldback-currency
* https://goldback.com/how-to-get-goldbacks

Goldback is the world's first voluntary, complementary currency
, to be made of a spendable, beautiful, small denomination, physical gold.

#gold #currency #voluntary #complementary #phsyical

β€œTo achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

β€” George Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the WHO

- New World Order & The War on Man | Excerpt from Eight Steps to Empire:
The Culture Wars

#UN #ZIonism #Globalism #equality #multiracial

Recommended Alt tech List - Jan/2020
* Fakebook >> Minds + Creation.Social
* Twatter >> Gab
* Youtube >> Bitchute + GabTV + self hosted peertube/tube
* Streaming >> JoshwhoTV + Entropy or self hosted

* Google E-Mail >> Protonmail or Self Hosted
* Google & DDG Search >> SearX / Swisscows / mojeek
* Google Maps >> OpenStreetMap

* Podcast hosting >> Speaker
* Medium >> Publish0x
* Skype/video chat >> Jitsi Meet
* Whatsapp/fb/etc >> Session / Matrix / Delta.chat / Self hosted XMPP
* Discord >> Mumble or SIP or Matrix

* Reddit >> Ruqqus - https://ruqqus.com/
* Wiki >> infogalactic
* meetup.com >> @GetTogether
* Instagram >> pixiv.net
* Pastebin/pastetext >> https://dpaste.org/ https://hastebin.com/
* Image Upload >> TBA ...

* Streaming chat/superchat >> Entropy
* Xsplit >> OBS
* Pateron >> Subscribestar + superfanz.co
* Spreadshirt/redbubble/teespring >> TBA

* MS Win 8/8.1/10 >> Linux OS (PC)
* MS Office >> Libreoffice
* MacOSX >> Elementary OS (PC)

* Android >> Lineage OS
* Playstore/fdroid >> Aptoide/Apkpure
* Alt Mobile Phone >> Pinephone
* Alt Laptop >> Pinebook or Raspi

* VPN (home PC) >> Mullvad VPN
* DNS (home PC) >> DNS.Watch
* Domain >> Epik & Unstoppable Domains
* Hosting >> Vultr VPS
* Maillist/mailchimp >> Mailcow Mailing list
#free-speech #alt-tech #censorship #opensource #2030

old guy is a fucking legant

#wealthredistrubtion #overseasaid #taxation #jews #israel

Latest censorship and deplatforming

* Dlive Hitpeace by Jewish NWT - https://archive.is/IG1W4

* Dlive kicked off Nick F/AM - https://dlive.tv/nickjfuentes

* Discord is kicking off people/servers

* Amazon S3 is kicking off people
Amazon dropped support for PARLER

LiveStream alt tech options

* Entropy
- Live Chat , Donation, Superchats, Polls, Quiz, unpaid questions

* Software
- OBS - https://obsproject.com/

* Monthly Donations
- SuperFanz https://superfanz.co/
- Subscribestar https://www.subscribestar.com/

* RMTP Servers
- JoshwhoTV - https://www.joshwhotv.com/

Also look to replace Discord
with Matrix or Irc+Mumble or XMMP

#livestreaming #RMTP #donations #chat #freespeech

Looks like Dlive kicked off Nick F/America Civnat First
- https://dlive.tv/nickjfuentes

Discord Bans Pro-Trump Server From Its Platform
* https://tech.slashdot.org/story/21/01/09/2015236/discord-bans-pro-trump-server-from-its-platform
* https://mashable.com/article/discord-bans-thedonald-trump/

#Platform #publisher #censorship #freespeech #discord