Take a look at the World International Authoritarians


All Jews , Kikes , Internationalists and Anti White

its all part of
Agenda 21

"Great Reset"
The new 4th industrial stage
Smart Cities

Goyim will OWN NOTHING and be HAPPY
without meat, property, wealth, freedom

Eric/Christians , go watch :

BlackRock & the Concentration of Wealth


BlackRock & Vanguard (Reloaded)

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

Not all of them are Jews. Many of them are Atheistic or simply Satanic, as well.

TTOR/C347/Eric T/Christians/Cuckservitism

Look at the BLM leader, its another Zionist jew terrorist group

BLM leader is mudblood - Jewish Father+Nigger Mother
She ends up stealing the 'donated' money,buys a few multi million dollar homes and ends up living in a 'white' liberal area with Jews, self hating whites (liberals) in a rich gated community away from low income niggers

A lot of the donated BLM money went to a registered company that was funneling money towards Jewish Bernie sanders

I doubt a single dollar will actually help low income blacks, black towns or black jobs

Blacks get crimes covered up,corporations pandering,constant leg over+special programs & they still complain they cant compete with Whites

#jew #BLM #Nigger

* Video - We are trained Marxist (Zionist/Commie)

* Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

She buys a million dollar home in white liberal town in comifornia

Free speech forum
Using cloudflare
Using mailchimp
Using fakebook
Using twatter


No white men
Staff filled with Women and a male african

Israel passes Jewish 'nation state' law -

A. The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people (Race),
in which the State of Israel was established.

B. The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people,
in which it fulfills its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.

C. The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel,
is unique to the Jewish people.

- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/19/israel-adopts-controversial-jewish-nation-state-law
- https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/19/world/middleeast/israel-law-jews-arabic.html - - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-44881554
- https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/netanyahu-israel-jewish-nation-state-bill-law-palestine-election-a8454776.html
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-passed-arabs-segregation-protests-benjamin-netanyahu-a8454196.html
- https://edition.cnn.com/2018/07/19/middleeast/israel-nation-state-legislation-intl/index.html
- https://www.voxcom/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy
- https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/07/israel-nation-state-law/565712/


#Israel #Nation #Identity #Race #people #protectionism #Culture #region #Flag #language

America First Documentary - An Honest Review (Mark Collett)

* https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/America-First-Documentary---An-Honest-Review:e
* https://www.bitchute.com/video/4s5JeYTeRD9V/

- http://www.thefallofwesternman.com/

#America-First #Documentary #Mark-Collett #NickF #Civnat-First
#Civic-Nationalism #Ethnic-Nationalism #Patriotism #Conservatism
#Identity #race #IQ #differences #Nationalism
#White #Western #Agenda21 #NWO #2030 #Great-Reset

Back from walkies to do big shop
Scored some good specials and stuff marked down
Should be stocked up for 2 weeks

I got a new kettle, its powered by FIRE

and I got a cheapo AC power one too

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Why did my old post get re posted , gg ???? updates , they fix 'everything'

Why "Hypercarnivore" is the BEST Diet in 2022?!
(Carnivore Diet the Basics ft. Dr. Sarah Zaldivar)


Some good info saying we should just eat

Red Meat, Fish, Egg, Mushroom, Herbs, Fat, Salt, Water

#Diet #Keto # Carnivore #diet #food #fat #red-meat #meat

Medical Industry LIED
Health Industry LIED
Government LIED
Schools LIED
Church LIED
History Books LIED

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

This has nothing to do with church or history books. The guy who came up with fat made you fat was a Congressman from the 50s

- Roof fans, Power tools, Sewing machine all powered via compressed air
collected via windmill

#Traditionalism #plain-clothes #simple-lifestyle #Amish #White #European #compressed-air #power #renewable

Statism is founded on two core principles

"Government" has the right to transfer money by FORCE from working class, small farms and individuals
and transfer it to ITSELF, Corporations, Central banks and imported population groups used as enemy's/tools
against ethnic national group

2. It "government" has the right to control, dictate, define morals/laws
to control the ones actually working and productive
while not actually held to their own standards, laws and ethics
and even when they are exposed , nothing happens to them

3. If you refuse to go along with International Authoritarianism , your smeared , hunted down, caged , killed or worse

Come on Christians, Civnats and the "RIGHT"

Is thief right or Wing
Is murder right or wrong
Is Slavery right or wrong

Let me know when you lot are willing to hold EVERYONE and EVERY GROUP to the same EXACT standard, rule, punishment and sentence

Let me know when you lot are willing to stand up for TRUTH, Freedom, Capitalism without
- International Authoritarianism
- Government
- Taxation , GST/VAT, Income Tax, Welfare aka SOCIALISM
- When your ready to put the Community, Race, Family, Men and the Nation before Feelings, Desired Outcome, Selfishness

Let me know when your ready for Men of Character to be in charge again of Women, Community, Family , Town and Nation
protecting and Serving instead of our enemy's, corrupt, deceive, ill-moral and murderous

Let me know when your ready to admit that NO "REGION" and NO "GOVERNMENT" offers real viable tangible solutions for our FUTURE