Apple is DETERMINED to know what is on your phone. And we all know this has NOTHING to do with protecting children. Now I have to convince the rest of my family to drop this rotten fruit!

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Why use apple in 2020-2030 , no really, fucking WHY

Apple is Anti White
Apple is Anti Truth
Apple is Anti Western

Apple is Anti Consumers/customers
Apple is Anti Repair
Apple is Anti Small repair shops

They support overpriced slave labor made items in china for 1-2 dollar an hour
exported to the rest of the nations with almost free shipping

Smart phones are Portable survliance tracking devices for Goverment, corporations and Agenda 21

We dont 'need' apps , internet or GPS on our 'phones'

We dont 'need' Android OS , Apple iOS or closed source paywalled eco systems

If you want REAL FREEDOm
Migrate away from Corporations, Google, Apple, Microsoft,etc

Grab a flip dumb phone
Grab a Linux Phone
Use a SIP phone instead

Replace Central banks with Community/local/small credit unions

Remove 2FA sms for Ubikey/email

Start to use landlines, payphones, CB and LORA instead of 'smart phones'

Start to use Phsyical maps, compass and street signs

We dont need Goverment, Corporations, Central banks, SMS , Uber or any of the new 'modern' things in our lives

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I have a lot of friends who like Apple, but sadly, 95% of them won't change their minds. I wish they'd really reconsider 🙁

Interesting that this happens while the prosecution in Ghislaine Maxwell's case just rested. And just when you think things couldn't POSSIBLY get worse for CNN... 🧐

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Look at the ethnic make up, what they support, WHO they cover up for and its NO SUPRISE at all

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Lots of ethnic elfs

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You Get What You Deserve, Juicy! Don't drop the soap! 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Translation: #blahblahblah dooming intensifies #blahblahblah muh parallel society #blahblahblah blame da jews and Trump and everyone else not me #blahblahblah Gab is great because muh phony Christian imperialism #blahblahblah.

That's Andrew Torba right now, going full-blown Jonestown.

NEVER go full-blown Jonestown.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

How would women avoid accountablity for their own actions if they couldnt murder babies and prevented 'access' to birth 'control'

charlie brownau
2 years ago

I cant see voting or a poltical party offering real soluitions before 2030

Solutions for our future

* Creation offgrid Single Ethnic Race village away from Multi Racial Diversity Enriched Survlance Smart Cities
* Local Patriarchy , Local Militia , Natural Barriers Canals/Moats/Gabion Walls, Low Tech Security+Defense
* Localism + Voluntism + Agorism + Counter Econmics (cash only) + Community/Crowd Funding
* Community Currency + Local Currency + Local Comunity Bank + Phsyical Only currency
* Prepping & Canning & SHTF & Survial & Hunting/Trapping skills
* Aquaponics & vermiponics & Vertical Gardening + Container Mushrooms + Duckweed
* Keto + Food cellar + Rasing Quail/Doves/guinea pigs/Rabbit/Chicken
* Vertical wind turbine + Direct Solar + Tiny DC grids + biodigester methane Gas + Rocket Twig Stoves + Geothermal power
* Ecovillages + Tiny Homes + Cob Homes + Gabion walls + Community Living
* Homestead Farming + Permaculture + Farming without posions/tractors
* Food Waste Biodigester - Methane Cooking Gas + Fertilizer
* Barb Wire Telephone System + CB/Ham Radio + Lora Radio + Pager Text Radio
* 100% Ethnol Engines for Car/Truck/Tractor/Bike/Tram/Train
* Linux/Opensource/Self Hosting/DeCentralised - XMPP/IRC/Newsgroups/RSS/TxTXT/Mumble/etc

Society Foundation used to be based off:-
* Ethnic Nationalism
* Ethnic Protectionism
* Ethnic Tradationalism
* Patriarchy
* Free Market Captialism
* National Currency based on hours without Usery

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

@charliebrownau If voting can be secured, then we'll need it to vote out Bidler and company

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Voting is a scam, we are not represented
None of them reject

White Genoide
White Replacment
Jewish Power
Central banking
Plandemic Bioterrorism
Agenda 21 2030/NWO

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Name ONE poltical or party out of 170-191 nations on Earth that has rejected from 1991 to 2021 - World Central banking , Feminism, Equality, Multi culturalism, Diversity, White Genocide, Abortion, Fait Currency + Usery and NWO/2030 pact

Translation: we're manipulating the algorithm and gutting site functionality to protect our corporate and government investors because their opinions matter far more than the average user that the service was BUILT ON so sucks to be you!

-Susan Wojcicki, YouTube CEO/thought police defender

Yet another valid reason to dump YouTube and switch to JoshWhoTV, UGETube, or even Odysee at this point.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I still follow lots of people and organizations on YouTube, but I'm trying to make myself more at home on Rumble and JWTV.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

"American" CEOS


* Amazon CEO - Jeffrey Preston Bezos (Kike)
* Twitch CEO - Emmett Shear (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Fakebook CEO - Mark Zuckerberg (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Whatsapp CEO - Jan Koum (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Instagram CEO - Adam Mosseri (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Alphabet CEO - Larry Page (Ashkenazi Jew)(owns Google)
* Youtube CEO - Susan Wojciki (Asheknazi Jew)
* Twitter CEO - Leslie Berland - People & Marketing(Ashkenazi Jew)
* Snapchat CEO - Micheal Lynton (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Reddit Chairman - Steven Newhouse (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Reddit CEO - Steve Huffman (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Tumblr CEO - David Karp (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Discord CEO - Jason Citron (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Tumblr CEO - David Karp (Ashkenazi Jew)

Tech Firms
* Oracle CEO - Safra Catz (Ashkenazi Jew)

Alt Tech :-
* LBRY/ODYSEE CEO - Jeremy Kauffman - (Ashkenazi Jew)
* Parler - George Farmer (Married to Candace Owens [tpusa]) - (Zionist Shills)
* Gettr - Jason Miller - (Ashkenazi Jew)
* DDG CEO - Gabriel Weinberg (Ashkenazi Jew)

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

@charliebrownau Do you have it set to automatically say all of this? This sounds exactly like what you've said in the past.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Yes -
Trump: "Israel had such power, and rightfully, over Congress!" -

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Daris Check out Peertube Servers also -

Few of the Linix content creators are on this one -

Also have you seen luke Smiths Content -

and Based Mental Outlaw -

At least T-Mobile gives you the option to both see the data collected and have them stop tracking you. Both AT&T and Verizon (who used to be Bell Atlantic years ago and C&P Telephone under "Ma Bell" years before that) REFUSE TO DO EITHER.

THIS ALONE is why rootable phones, VPN setups, and adblockers are MANDATORY on phones now.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Do we really "NEED" a smart phone and Internet/apps on a 'phone"

Ive been looking into hardware VOIP SIP handsets and portable internet routers

TL-WR902AC - AUD$39 to AUD$44

Yealink SIP-T19P E2 Entry Level VOIP Phone


Also Pinephone looks good -


Myself If I can find a Credit union in Australia without forced SMS 2FA and instead uses email
I can pretty much ditch my mobile phone

charlie brownau
2 years ago

For VPN check out Mullvad VPN, you can pay in phsyical cash and anon accounts -

charlie brownau
2 years ago

We dont need
International Federal Goverment
Multi National Corporations
World Central banking, Taxation, Welfare or USERY

Solutions can be found without goverment, courts, taxation and state force
for fuel , water, gas, commication and food

Self Reliancy, Self Suffiency and Local Community can replace the broken system

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'm pretty sure they all track you. The government is behind them all.

So I decided to finally install Graphene OS on my Pixel 3a XL and, outside of one or two apps I did miss using, it's been a shockingly pleasant experience. I plan on deleting my Google account completely at the end of the year to seal the deal if all goes well.

When the Twitter mob starts finally noticing Andrew Torba's blatant hypocrisy (instead of just parotting some #blahblahblah from the blue checkmark brigade).

Now if the same groypers he tried to link up with start calling him out also...

And here's the salty "newsletter" from Torba pretty much throwing shade at Trump (again), Jared Kushner (again) and whining about how "great" Gab is because "muh parallel society".


Gab is a joke and so is Andrew Torba.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

I guess his PlayStations were being used to prey on gamers 😬

This is why I switched to being a PC gamer over the years.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

@djb21212 I play Xbox, since I prefer having a big screen and controller. Not that Playstation is bad, Xbox just better suits me.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

You can connect a PC to a HDMI TV and connect a Controller on PC

You wont become a real gamer till you ditch big tv and controlller for
60-75-90-144hz screen and KBM

If anyone is interested in a private search engine with ZERO ties to Google, this one showed up in my feed and seems to work very well.

charlie brownau
2 years ago

Ive been using SearX - + and Qwant -