How long can the Christian community remain the silent minority? We share our feelings on social media, but our followers are those who have basically the same belief system as us, so who are we actually reaching? I think it's time to stop sitting back and letting God take care of everything when what we should be doing is allowing ourselves to be used as vessels through which God can shine His light in the lives of unbelievers. It's time to make the tough decisions, my brothers and sisters. It's time to start pushing against the evil in this world by not only sharing the word of God, but also sharing the truth about a lot of things, including Covid.
I've lost friends and family because of my faith in the Lord, and I have absolutely no one I could call a friend in this world, but if that's what it takes to follow the Lord, then that's how it will be. Jesus had an inner circle of 12 men, and one of them betrayed Him. Are we betraying Him now by just remaining silent? We need to get out into the real world and allow God to work through us to affect the lives of real people out in the real world. How we do that is between us and God, but it needs to be done. God never commanded us to be quiet and to sit on the sidelines while sin engulfed the lives of those around us. We're commanded to spread the word, and to declare Jesus as Lord! We should be shouting, "Repent and believe!" Are we? Or are we sitting at our keyboards sharing our thoughts online in our safe space? I'm guilty of remaining silent for the most part, but I'm feeling very uncomfortable in the chains I've put myself in. The time is coming when we will wish we had been more vocal. Let's not get to that point. Let's get out there and share the word of God, even if it's silently handing out tracts to start with. We need to do SOMETHING other than remaining in our own personal bubble where we mainly associate with only those who are already born again. Time to get out into the front lines and do the difficult thing of speaking face to face with those who need to hear the word of God. In an age where everyone has been trained to text, it going to be really difficult for some to go face to face with people, but that's the only way we're going to reach those who are lost. Like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it gets until it becomes second nature. Plant, water, and reap!