I watch videos and read articles about politics and I think, "They're just both sides of the same coin." Neither side can be trusted. It's sad, really, but it's also frustrating because I know there will be a lot of talk about what they're going to do, but most of it won't get done, and what WILL get done, will just put us trillions of dollars into debt. It'll be so awesome when Jesus returns and takes ownership of the Earth again. The Millennial Reign of Christ!

Anonymous 1627451353
3 years ago

Im 22 and I cant believe how many people fall for this political shit. God is the only one who knows the truth people need to get humbled and stop trying to be God

Some may be wondering how I came up with the name of my ministry. Well, my ministry is focused on evangelizing even after the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, because I know there's going to be another harvest of souls even after the Rapture. So through the Tribulation, there will be a harvest of new born again believers. Hence the name, Tribulation Harvest.

Tribulation Harvest
3 years ago

@charlie brownau I don't understand the first half of your question. All I can say is that we stand for the same things we've stood for since the church was birthed over 2,000 years ago. I'm having the same issue with the second half of your question as well. I just don't understand it. The state has no power over the church.

Anonymous 1627451353
3 years ago

The main thing that Christianity gives is a life with morals and values. It makes you have a good heart. For people to have a problem with that, is the work of the devil giving you doubt. May God have mercy on our souls..

charlie brownau
3 years ago

TH that isnt true at all Christianity has changed
as our nations have been subverted , ruined and infected
with modern day progressive, modernisation, liberalism
and equal outcome along with the parasite behind the puppets

Christianity no longer standards for
Hard Work
Ethnic Nationalism
Ethnic Protectionism
Free Market Capitialism
Free Banking
Self Defense

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I disagree, MORALITY does NOT come from GOD or insert REGION, its quinifable without goverment, region, church or a book

Tribulation Harvest
3 years ago

@charlie brownau True Christianity hasn't changed. Whatever Christianity you're referring to isn't true Christianity. Also, morality does indeed come from God. Any morality outside of what is written in the word of God is just subjective manmade morality, which constantly changes depending on the feelings and opinions of others. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


charlie brownau
4 years ago

Snakes are soulness evil creatures with no emotion

Tribulation Harvest
4 years ago

No creature is "evil." It's just man's perception of that creature's nature. A snake is a snake. A scorpion is a scorpion. A shark is a shark. Their actions may be abhorrent to some, but that doesn't make them evil.

Tribulation Harvest
4 years ago

Besides, this video isn't about snakes. In fact, that was the whole point of the video...lol.