I just got blocked by two Gabbers today for simply using my freedom of speech. I never spammed, attacked, or cussed them out. Although blocking people does not violate free speech, these people are so tender.

3 years ago

Very tender snowflakes indeed

Why do Gabbers like to point out my lack in followers? Is this some kind of competition? I'm pretty sure "free speech" is not a game.

3 years ago

I seem to remember that Andrew Torba used to say that Gab was a place where you could make a difference and matter even if you had zero followers. I guess that was a lie too. lol

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@TTOR He'll lie about anything for the big dollar 💵 👀

3 years ago

@justgina Where I come from, we call that attention-seeking drama queens.

Close game tonight! Hoping the Bills clinch it. Not a big Titans fan.

When I told someone on Gab that the Holocaust involved the genocide of 6 million whites, they said Jews weren't even human. How does that work?

3 years ago

Talk about bigotry. Lol

What's wrong with Gab in one sentence 👇

Hold on a second, did Andrew Torba really say that they don't want one penny from someone who thinks negatively of them?

OMG I just saw an electronic billboard saying that vaccinations protect babies. This is just plain out WRONG! This can make them autistic or have health problems for the rest of their lives!

Hey, @TTOR, is there a way to turn on notifications for CS? I'd like to get notified whenever someone sends me a private message.

I enjoy trolling Gabtards. They get so upset over my disapproval of the platform, it's hilarious!