Is it me, or is Telegram getting to be just as toxic as Gab? The people there seem to be native to that platform, and believe the lies of Toshiba and friends.
C347, the white population in USA averages out to around 55% now, and shrinking. The KHAZARocRAT$ let in more turd-world communi$t$ because the majority of white people weren’t voting for their Papi$t athei$t$.
Bear in mind that slight white majority also now has a pervert and femin$TA$I 5th column in it.
C347 - Btw, that “love for the truth” remark was pointed at Charlie, who appears to be nipping at the schnapps again.
The realm wide genocide of the various white race groups and
white species has been in the works for a long time by JEWS
he Kalergi Plan: The Jews Are The Master Race [wtview] (JoshwhoTV)
“An empty wagon rattles the most”…just sayin’.
Well, I guess Ex-Morman for Jesus is just another snowflake who doesn't like people with strong opinions that aren't the same as their's. What a shame.
What beef did he have with you?
@TTOR13 Idk. I didn't think there was any, until I noticed they weren't friended anymore. Then, that's when I saw this.
I already de followed him
@charliebrownau Probably a good thing. People who can't stand hearing/reading others' opinions don't deserve to be heard or read from.