It hasn't even been five hours, and I now have 64 notifications on Gab. Only 5 likes on my comment.

And right after I condemn violence, the Gabtards come out of the bushed and bring the gas. I even said it was OK to have negative thoughts of Jews or people of color. I guess threatening others is OK as long as they are Jewish, colored, or not racist or anti Semitic

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@BearItGaming Which post?

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@BearItGaming Will do, give me a sec

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago


I don't tend to side on Torba for many things, but this one I do. This is the only reason someone should be censored, other than nude pictures or inciting violence of any sort.

3 years ago

Yeah, Trapt really made some waves today on Gab with the insane amount and type of posts they made. They were definitely on something.

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@TTOR13 They're very much Gab onlyers, which ended up going south on them LOL

3 years ago

Some of the posts they made violated CreationSocial's terms and conditions, much less anyone else's, so they deserved to get put in timeout.

Miss State wants to date, but Gay&M are a bunch of homos 😯🤣

@bearitgaming I'd like to see you play Subnautica again. Just a suggestion.

It's my favorite month of the year (besides December) and all I can say is, don't celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day. It is Columbus Day! A day reserved for a man who helped colonize the Americas. Although the Scandinavians made it here first, they had no interest in trading or establishing new things in this hemisphere. If it weren't for Christopher Columbus, we probably wouldn't be here. I will say more on the 11th.

Alt tech sites aren't always trustable. Many grift, or don't allow certain content, like YouTube, but for different reasons. Then there's ones like UGETube that barely attract anyone. Or you can choose Gab TV which has a big viewerbase, but the community sucks (no offense to the good Gabbers out there, I know there are some).

It's so hard to play Fortnite without raging at this point. The amount of tryhards and sweats in that game make me mad. I wish they had an option to play with people your level

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@BearItGaming People get onto me for not build battling. I don't even understand the concept of that!

Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

@BearItGaming I just shoot it down, and wait for them to come to a fall. Someone told me that's what p***** do, but Idc. I HATE it when people build battle.