Yesterday morning, I got a phone call from the prayer team at GiveSendGo where they prayed over my Corder campaign and prayed for it to succeed as I went up against all the big-tech sites. I was genuinely moved that the folks at GiveSendGo cared enough about my campaign to reach out to me and pray over the campaign, and I pray that if he wills it, the Lord will provide the funds necessary to start and maintain Corder.

#givesendgo #corder #alttech #freespeech #prayer

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

God bless you and GiveSendGo. I will try to pitch in for Corder if I can.

I didn't know they were Christian-based. That's wonderful to hear.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Yeah, me neither. And it's not part of Gab's "Christian" parallel economy. This is what we REALLY need is independent platforms and sites that embrace the Christian faith, without putting competition first.

Just reviewing my video from 11 months ago where I responded to Pope Francis claiming that the flood of Noah never happened after he finished saying that God is going to flood the earth again, something that logically follows from rejecting Young Earth Creationism. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my channel and help spread the word.

#popefrancis #heretic #liar #exposed #apologetics

charlie brownau
2 years ago

From the video content on flat earth community, it seems Earth goes thou realm wide mud floods every 650 years
It could be natural , artificial by humans or artificial by external outside our realm groups

The Gab marketplace that came out today is the exact same marketplace that we have had on here for nine months now, except that we don't make sellers have to pay us in order to create a listing.

It continually amazes us how Torba takes something that already exists and is available to the public for free, and he puts it behind a paywall and markets it as this amazing thing he and his team created. People are so gullible.

#gabmarketplace #ripoff #paywall #marketplace #alttech #getoncreationsocial

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Because like we've said many times, he's a lying grifter, a con man. He makes money off of things that have "competitors" for free, and the people at Gab obcess over HIS doing! They completely ignore the other options out there, since they live in a world where Gab is the best, and has nothing wrong with it. It's a cult.

2 years ago

@Danielontheroad in order to be a pro member, you have to pay Gab money. In other words, you have to pay Gab money in order to be able to create a listing on Gab Marketplace.

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

Sure are

Zealous Zoomer
2 years ago

And they refuse to call that out

2 years ago

@Danielontheroad correct. Only pro members can upload to Gab TV.