So the state of Oregon decided last month to drop all the reading, writing, and math proficiency requirements that were previously required to graduate from high school. They are literally trying to create stupid, dumb sheeple who just believe what they're told, but all the unvaccinated dissenters like myself are supposedly the anti-science ones who want to hold everyone back and keep people ignorant.

#oregon #highschool #requirementsdropped #antiscience #antitruth #exposed

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I keep on getting proved right

* Blacks are Lower IQ then Whites
* Whites are Higher IQ then Blacks
* Women are not the same as Men


- When Women, Gays, Mentally Ill or Imported
cant meet the SAME EXACT STANDARDS as
Ethnic Native Straight Males
you need to hold them back
* hold them down
* or exclude them
* to raise others up
* Lower the bar of standards/achivement/success
so everyone gets a tropy/badge/reward/certifcation

Civic Nationalism, Multiculturalism, Race Mixing, Diversity , Multi racialism and equality will never work
it denys REALITY, Natural Order, IQ realism, Race Realism, Sex Realism
and genetic traits of Women and various ethnic races
all to achive the same OUTCOME

Which will be everyon equaly POOR and enslaved
to International World Goverment, Corporations and Central banks

Killing over 15,000 grandparents wasn't enough to get Cuomo to step down, but sexually harassing a dozen different women (including a state trooper) was all it took to get Cuomo to step down? Truly bizarre, but good riddance to that turd burrito.

#cuomo #resignation #grandmakiller #exposed #trumpcurse

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Zionist Kike is getting thrown under the bus - UPDATED B-ROLL: Governor Cuomo Visits Orthodox Jewish Neighborhood in Williamsburg