charlie brownau
3 years ago

Looking good - Mine will be patty, egg, onion

charlie brownau
3 years ago

My outdoor stove just died last night, we are on the indoor electric frying pan

My dad just showed me this video. Absolutely brilliant and comedy gold. 🤣

Cool drinks for a warm day.

RyochanX Default
3 years ago

Corn syrup

If that's not tyranny, I don't know what is.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Its clear my body my choice ONLY matters when it promotes mass killing of Whites and blacks, not forced jab or forced medical treatment

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Russia is not for Russians

It has an Anti White multicultural push by Putin and the Choosen people

Russia does not have Free Speech or Freedom of Expression

charlie brownau
3 years ago

ISLAMFICATION process is happening in Russia just on a scale that doesnt get noticed as much as other white regions

charlie brownau
3 years ago

If a goverment supports UN, Agenda 21 , Chinese Manfactoring, Multiculturalism, Plandemic and Central banks and International Trade along with anti free speech, they are not 'good' , moral or on 'our' side, they are on the side of the choosen satanic people

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Your word isnt worth much C347, your a zionist kike or zionist jew

Ethan Horn
3 years ago

Gab is now Twitter 2.0. If a "Free speech" platform no longer does what it's supposed to do, then they're no different from the mainstream social media conglomerates

3 years ago

Pretty much. They aren't as far along as Twitter in terms of censorship, but they will get there in the future.

3 years ago

@Danielontheroad You're so right on that. I pretty much am a dissident on Gab right now, and people in the gab cult are already starting to work on a campaign to deplatform me by accusing me of being a fed poster who is trying to indoctrinate the Gab community with subversive lies.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

This seems to be why GAB started in the first place a false option for those to LIMIT what can be talked about, just like Minds, Fox News and Jewish Zionist organisations like TPUSA

Out for lunch at Flashback Grill with my GF. Going to be watching a movie with her before I spend an evening on Halo with my best friend and the guys. Lol

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Fire up that fancy BBQ again, its Sunday