Los Angeles Public Schools Cancelled Their Vaccine Mandate After 30,000 Kids Were Not Complying
* 02/Jan/2022 - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/los-angeles-public-schools-cancelled-vaccine-mandate-30000-kids-not-complying/?
* 14/Dec/2021 - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2021/12/14/los-angeles-schools-student-vaccine-mandate/6509521001/
* 24/Dec/2021 - https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2021/12/24/la-schools-tried-to-mandate-vaccines-then-it-faced-the-reality-of-sending-30-000-students-home-1402804
* https://wolfballs.com/post/6929
* Localism
* Community
* Local Community Schooling + Home Schooling - parents actually PARENTING
* Women in the kitchen + Women raising the family
* Men working - Trades/Small Business/Small Farms
* Local Community working together to raise the next generation in tradational Values
* Dont support Globalism/Internationalism, Federal Goverment, World Central banks , Anti Whites
* Stop being 'friends', hiring and assoicating and being 'nice' to non whites, jews, blacks, chinese, arabs
* Help and be friends with those with the same values, same race and same area