What has 'conservisim' actually conserved ?
* High Trust Society
* Homogeneous society
* Low Crime
* Peace
* Employment
* Security
* White National idenity
* White Majirty in White Nations
* White Power
* White Society
* White Culture
* White Wellbeing
* Truth
* Honestly
* Intergirty
* Knowledge
Conservism has only conserved
* Jewish Power
* Jewish Subverison
* Jewish Influance
* Jewish Crimes
* White Genocide
* Western Collapse
* White Eraser
* White replacement
* White hate
* White Guilt
* White Blame
* White Shame
Conservism conserves
* Statism
* Goverment
* Agenda 21
* Lies, Corruption, Decptions, Control, Propagnda
What poltican party has ever suggested to remove and removed
* Agenda 21/NWO
* Central Banking
* Taxation / GST/VAT / Income Tax
* Gun "LAWS"
* Speech "LAWS"
Truth is
- Statism is slavery
- Abortion is self ethnic genocide
- Taxation is theif
- ALL goverments steal money from working class by force
and transfer it to itself, imported population, central banks and corporations
We are not "FREE" in a neo liberal demoracy society
Look at how white nations have changed in the last 25-55-255 years
- Multi culturalism (Multi racialism)
- Liberalism
- Diversity
- Quotas, Affirm action, feminism
- Pussy pass, no fault divorce , alimony/child 'support'
- educated women, carreer women
- abortion
- Welfare state
- Globe Model Fruad
- Holohoax guilt industry
- Censorship + - Supression of truth
- Anti Self Defense/Weapon ownership
Mass Murder, Rape, stabbings, burning, looting from
Various false flag attacks by goverment/spy agecnies
, while covering up mass murders from Blacks
and covering up the mass rape of white kids by arab muslims
Refusal to hold women, gays and non whites to the same EQUAL stance, standard , punishment and sentacing of whites
It was an imported jew in both AU and USA
that imported, spent their 'lifes work' to undo the white only policy
into multi culturalism
- Hart cellar act in USA
- White only policy in AU
Would it be acceptable for a Arab to move to China and become a poltican to turn China into 20% chinese and 80 percent arab
and kick out all chinese from Banks/Business/Corporations/Goverment/courts ?
Would it be acceptable for non Chinese to say
All chinese men need to step down
50% of all jobs must be for non chinese
If not, why not
Why is it only acceptable in White nations ?
Why are areas too "WHITE"
Yet areas are never too
Chinese ?
Why the double standards only lumped onto whites in white nations ?