Borrowed from a friend:

I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years and kept quiet. Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden. For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone and scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops. The problem is 75 + million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the women’s march the day after inauguration.
We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments.
We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.
We remember the President's spokesperson being kicked out of a a restaurant.
We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.
We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
We remember riots, and looting.
We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.
We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.
We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony Awards and getting a standing ovation.
We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address on international television.
We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media.
We remember the non-stop and live fact checking of our President and his supporters.
We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.
We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
We remember 99% negative coverage in the news.
We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.
We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.
We remember people banging and scratching on the Supreme Court doors.
We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected, but they stayed anyway.

This list is endless, but you get the idea. My friends will be my friends, but a political party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me.

Feel free to share.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

How can we live in a nation when half or more hates us and hates freedom

Ethan Horn
4 years ago

Indeed charlie brown. It should not be like this

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Non white imports, Female voting, Equality sham, Diversity, UN Agenda 21, Jewish Subverison, no smacking kids....... Slow creep

Sonny46 Murphy
4 years ago

I'll be remembering these things for long time.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Whos ready to REMOVE wamans 'rights'

- Hold women accountable for their own invidual actions/choices
- No more wamans always inocent
- No more pussy pass
- No more female double standards
- Women arrested, trailed and jailed for false claimed

- Remove Abortion
- Remove Paid Pregant time off
- Remove Sick Pay
- Remove holiday pay

- Remove Income Tax
- Remove Wage Tax
- Remove Payroll Tax
- Remove GST

- Lower min wage - 10 dollars per hour

- No more Divorce 'Settlement'
- No more alimony
- No more child support
- No more No fault Divorce

- No more Diversity Hires
- No more Affirm action
- No more Forced female ceo roles
- No more Gender quotas

#waman #rights #equality #femalenature #feminism

My fellow Americans: after pondering more about the recent events, I have decided to hang up the elephant by disassociating from the Republican Party. Before you all freak out, I have my reasons for it. Let me explain.

This is not a switching of parties to the other party. Don't take it this way. I could never side with the Democrats and their evil policies. However, The Vice President's and Republican Party's backstabbing of President Trump and letting voter fraud slide is still very disturbing to me. Would the Republican Party of Lincoln's time have let all this slide and betrayed Lincoln? I do not think so. They are now just corporate politicians only in it for themselves and they don't care about we the people. I cannot associate in good conscience with the Republican Party as it is today.

Furthermore, to begin with, a two party system was a horrible idea to begin with. The moment the USA split into parties, our problems began. Abraham Lincoln (who was quoting the Christ) said "a house divided can't stand" and he was right. Our nation can't stand as a nation dividing into parties all against one another and I feel like identifying with a party only encourages this harmful two party system.

So with all this, what is my alternative? The answer is simple. From now on, I consider myself an American Constitutionalist. I believe simply in the American values and rights given to us in the Constitution, and you don't need to identify with a political party to hold to these beliefs which will get you called a "radical conservative" in today's society. Let go of party labels. Wake up. Don't call yourselves Democrats, Republicans, or what have you and don't assume politicians will do a good job just because they are the party you like. Ask questions and look into your candidates. See if they uphold the Constitution. It's time to rethink what has been instilled in us. God bless.

charlie brownau
4 years ago

What is Right Wing, Western, Freedom , USA/UK/CA/NZ/AU Values ?

Are they
- Taxation
- Income Tax + Wage Tax + Payroll tax
- Usry + Interest Loans + Debt based economy
- Forced super/retirement fund

Are they
- Feminism
- Diversity
- Equal outcome
- Group rights
- Double standards

Are they
"free trade"
Overseas manfactoring

Are they
Citizens last
working class last

- Pandering to
single parents
overseas imported population

Is it allowing the state to steal money from working class, small business and native ethnic population and transfering that wealth and money too
- Banks
- Corporations
- Left wing activists
- "green"s
- overseas nations

- Is it the right to freely speak about anything without jail time
- is the right to burn the flag when your pissed off at the state
- is it the right to defend our RACE, our NATION from outside groups/outside races

What has been fixed/address/called out in the last 5-25-100-255 years ?

Did voting undo or reverse the Global Dictorship from going ahead in 2030 ?

Did we get to CHOOSE or ASK or vote on

- Agenda 21 in 1992 by 170 nations goverments - WORLD GOVERMENT by 2030
- UN + Free Trade pacts
- Carbon tax
- Green BS
- Super
- Income tax
- Payroll tax
- Wage tax
- Min wage of AUD$19.50-20 per hour
- Fait Currency from Gold standard
- Debt based economy
- Polticans never held accountable
- Goverment never held accountable
- Banks never held accountable
- Corporations never held accountable
- Mass Murder of Whites (Abortion) (50k per year in AU)
- Non white immergration (55k per year in AU)

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Ethan - Ever consider no real solution exists with the STATE / STATISM, as long as you have the FEDERAL STATE, FEDERAL Goverment, Federal Taxation, Federal Banking, Federal System, can we have freedom, agency and control over our lifes ?

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Ethan : When your ready to reject Israel First, Multi Racial Socitey, Everyone gets rights but Whites,
Anti Male + Anti White hate/exclusion/blame. The National Socialists and Ethnic Nationalists
are a group to consider

Think about it

The so called ' racist ' whites that want
White Homeland
White wellbeing
White rights
White Nation
White Safety
White First
White Jobs

that constantly bends over backwards for
ISLAM , Jews, Blacks, Mexicans and every other race
bar Ethnic White People

American is
- Indians
- Whites
- Ex black slaves

It isnt
every other race bar whites

Anti Racist Hilter -
Open Borders + Diversity + Multiculturalism for ISRAEL

There's something I was just thinking over. I've heard Christians say when it comes to elections that "God is in control. He put those people in place", but I don't think that's right. I don't see a good God putting really evil people like Hitler directly into place. I think it's more like when He stood back and allowed the Israelites to have a king and suffer the consequences of those actions, and so it is with the world's elections too. He may know what's going to happen, but I don't believe He himself directly puts anyone in power. I don't think it works that way

4 years ago

I think it's both. I think there are times where God is involved with putting people into power, and there are times where he allows certain people to come into power.

We are commanded to forgive all men of their trespasses. If you won't forgive anyone for their sins, why should God forgive you? (See Matthew 6:14-15)

Christians can't afford to divide over non-essential doctrine in these times. We all must unite to fight for our rights in these trying times or else NO ONE can worship our Lord anymore. Don't let the ungodly people in our government take away your religious freedom.

Ethan Horn
Changed profile cover.