I'm currently on the JoshWho News livestream:


charlie brownau
3 years ago

Watching and commenting

I am strongly considering self-publishing my new book on young earth creationism onto Amazon, and then hooking up with some promoters to help get my book out there into as many stores as possible. What do you all think about that?

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Try community markets, churchs and small indie book stores, avoid corporations and large chain stores

Andrew Torba made a lengthy response to the Jewish group that is currently pressuring Gab into censoring people. In this article, Torba spoke a lot of truth, but he also blatantly lied when he claimed that Gab is not like Facebook, and that they don’t censor people. I might be making a video response to this article.


charlie brownau
3 years ago

I am not Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey. Gab is not Facebook or Twitter.
We are not going to bend over backwards to appease the interests of the
ADL, the American Jewish Congress, or any other interest groups. - He and Gab already did, this is why myself, ryan , mattyrose and others got kicked off gab and minds

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I call bullshit, he is now trying to play the Chritian card to cover his arse

charlie brownau
3 years ago

TTOR - Check out this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j140pNFThoc

Today is officially my birthday. I am now 31 years young. lol.

🎂 🍰 🥳 🥳


Robot Wax
3 years ago

Happy Birthday!

OurWalk inChrist
3 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous 1618082307
3 years ago

Happy belated birthday, 🎂

So a Jewish group is coming after Gab, claiming that Gab is an anti-Semitic platform. I wonder if Gab will cave to these people like BitChute did. Any takers on that bet?

#gab #antisemetism #jewishgroup #bigleaguepolitics #alttech


If you constantly borrow (((their))) FAKE Money, you can reliably count on being controlled by (((them))), because anything you buy with it belongs to (((them))).

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Most ethnic nationalists refuse to give up on central banks, corporations and cities, it will be their downfall

Robot Wax
3 years ago

I wouldn't equate being a Catholic with being a 'loan junkie' that's pretty stupid. Baptist, Evangelists, Calvanists and other so-called reformists are more likely to be swayed by jewish subversion due to them believing that they are 'God's Chosen' people.

@RobotWax Roman CULT are first subverters the $INagogue Of $atan sends in to conquer a nation, demanding unions, gov’t gimmes & other communism as altruism. The KHAZARi$tocracy has owned it since 1954 through a Roth$child central bank, shortly after which it switched from imperialism to communism (“liberation theology”) as primary vehicle of expansion. Since 600AD it’s primary object of worship is Semiramis (disguised as “Mary”). How exactly is all this apostasy “Christian”? I’ll wait...as I have been for almost half a century.

Robot Wax
3 years ago

Take your meds.