Just finished watching SwitchedToLinux's new video about how the government wants to put driver monitoring systems in every car, and how Covid apps leak personal data despite claims to the contrary. If you like his video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his JoshWho TV channel, and check out his other videos.

#switchedtolinux #drivermonitoring #privacy #leak #joshwhotv


charlie brownau
4 years ago

You cant have WORLD GOVERMENT and SURVLANCE STATE without digital currency (Cypto) , internet everywhere (5g) and corporations working for the goverment

added the product in marketplace.
added the product in marketplace.
Zealous Zoomer
3 years ago

Hmm, how long is this book, exactly?

Just finished watching OurWalkInChrist's new video responding to Franklin Graham capitulating to the BLM and ANTIFA mobs, and how we need to be careful with who we allow to influence us. If you like this video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to his JoshWho TV channel, and check out his other videos!

#ourwalkinchrist #influences #franklingraham #christian #bible
