Now that I'm done sharing today's video, I think I'm going to take a break from my activities and go on a nice, long walk around my neighborhood. It's sunny out, and no rain, so no reason not too. 🏡 🏠 🏚 🌞

I just finished watching an excellent presentation by young earth creationist apologist Mike Riddle where he answers some of the most common objections brought against the biblical worldview. There are a couple minor parts where I disagree with him, but in general this is an excellent apologetics presentation. I would encourage you to check out the presentation.

#mikeriddle #bible #christian #apologetics #afosc

As I look back on Donald Trump's four years as the president of the United States of America, I still stand amazed at how Trump got the entire democrat party and all the leftists to forever condemn Bill Clinton simply by appropriating the phrase "Make America Great Again" from Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign. I made a video about it back in 2019, and we should do our part to spread this video around to Trump supporters.

#donaldtrump #trump #maga #makeamericagreatagain #billclinton

Filming a couple TTOR videos tonight, and I'll also be recording a gaming video or two for Broly555 TV. I think you'll all like these videos!

💻 📽 🎮 🕹

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Good luck