Just found irrefutable evidence that BitChute is censoring people by wiping out all search results for certain topics. Will be putting out a detailed video about it tomorrow.

#bitchute #censorship #alttech

President Elect Ducky
4 years ago

Is there no end to the BS?

Oh, was today the Super Bowl? I totally forgot that was happening today because I was too busy making content and playing video games. I guess I’ll have to spend the rest of my evening watching action films about evil people being judged for their wickedness.

#superbowlsunday #botcottnfl #dontcare

I was playing Lego Jurassic World the other day, and so when I stumbled across one of Ethan Horn's earliest and most-viewed videos, his review of Jurassic World, I was nostalgic. If you enjoy this video as much as I have, feel free to subscribe to Ethan's channel and check out his other videos.

#ethanhorn #moviereview #jurassicworld #christian #bitchute


For those of you who missed it, here is the replay of my livestream where I watched and reacted to the Ekklesia Eugene service as it happened. I decided to make this livestream a JoshWho TV exclusive that will not be backed up to the TTOR BitChute channel. If you like the video, feel free to subscribe to my JoshWho TV channel!

#joshwhotv #livestream #ekklesiaeugene #church #christian


...first time on site - 1. emoji box wont leave my screen 2. video controls dont come up on this vid. 3. put me off cause I like what your doing.

4 years ago

Comes up for me. Might just be your internet connection. As for the emoji box, you have to click the emoji icon again to make it go away

In 12 minutes, I will be going live on JoshWho TV to watch and react to an Ekklesia Eugene church service. If you want to watch church with me live, all you have to do is going to the home page on JoshWho TV, look under the "live" tab that shows all the channels that are streaming live at the moment, and click on the stream for the TTOR channel. Looking forward to seeing you there!

#joshwhotv #livestreaming #ttor #church #christian


Just finished watching this excellent video by CWP24 where he plays through the first map in the Maps Of Chaos Doom Mod. If you like what you see, I recommend subscribing to his channel and checking out his other videos!

#cwp #doom #mapsofchaos #gaming #bitchutegaming
