So according to the ADL, it's ok to dox someone if they have the wrong opinion or worldview, but it's not ok to dox someone if they have the correct opinions or worldviews. Looks like the ADL has moved from defaming people to outright calling for a legal loophole to be created that will allow crimes to be committed against people with wrongthink.

#adl #defamationleague #censorship #doxxing #duckhk

Armchair Economist
3 years ago

The ADL's image has long been trashed in the age of the internet.

Just finished watching this awesome video by the KaijuConservative about how we are in the last charge of MAGA right now. If you like what you see, I would encourage you to subscribe to his channel and check out his other videos!

#kaijuconservative #maga #lastcharge #alttech #bitchute

Armchair Economist
3 years ago

Republicans piss themselves when they get power. Cocaine mitch McConnell is a traitor

charlie brownau
3 years ago

If you dont support Ethnic nationalism, Whites First, Ethnic Population before imports, then your a fucking TRATIOR

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Armchair What does Republicans support that isnt the destruction of White Nations, White Race and end of freedom/rights ?

Armchair Economist
3 years ago

I dont know why this is happening. I used to work in silicon valley.... i met all types...mostly men, mostly white or asians though. It blows my mind that these programmers and engineers in silicon valley are the ones controlling the democratic party.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

Problem is JEWS appear white but arnt , its been a 600 year plan to destory whites, christians and non jewish people

As much as I don't like sharing YouTube links, I did just finish watching this presentation by young earth creationist Jay Seegert about how to make creationism apologetics more effective. There are a couple of minor things that Seegert said that I disagreed with, but most of the information in this presentation is rock-solid, so I would encourage you to watch this presentation and carefully consider it.

#jayseegert #midwestcreationfellowship #youngearthcreationism #apologetics

So I'll begin uploading all my videos to Gab TV again. Gab TV not only fixed their video uploader, but it's better than it was before. It only took about 15 minutes each for both of my last two videos to be uploaded to and published on my Gab TV channel.

#gab #gabtv #alttech #videos

Light Zero
3 years ago

👏Sweet! I'll look into Gab TV myself.

Testing out Gab TV tonight to see if they've fixed their video uploading problem. Since I'm up to 146 subs on Gab TV, I sure hope it works out!