12:51 Do White Europeons get their own Nation TTOR

White Americans
White Candaians
White Australians
White English
or do only NON WHITE races get their own nation
Indians (India)
Arabs - Egypt/Iran/Syria/etc

Also it was a JEW that imported into AU and USA to REMOVE the while only policy set in stone
by the creation of a White Eurpoean Nation


Multiculturalism - Jews
Diversity - Jews
Open Borders - Jews
Islamifcation of the White Nations - Jews
LGBT - Jews
Feminism / Female `rights` / empowerment - Jews
CRT - Jews
Anti White - Jews
Runs Central banks - Jews
Runs Western Media/news/hollywood - jews
Runs majority of the porn industry - Jews

Basically all the bad stuff happened to White Race, White Nations and the last 250 years - Jews

Dr Jane Ruby - Pfizer 'Vaccine' Contents Exposed - Pure Poison - https://www.bitchute.com/video/kryaWzct0hZA/
#pfizer #moderna #vaccines #convid #plandemic #gates #trump #WEF #agenda21 #2030 #depopulation

North Korean Defector: US Colleges Crazier Than North Korea

- Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/video/iOZ3Etrsi-g/

- Odysee/LBRY - https://odysee.com/@RagingGoldenEagle:1/north-korean-defector-us-colleges:b

#goverment #wealthredistrubution #usefullidiots #taxation #statism #authorinism #2030 #Agenda21 #jews #Judaism #zionism #world #jewery #antiwhite #regressives

Crtical Race Theory (CRT) - Dickhead Penn State Professor Says "Whites Are Dumb" https://www.bitchute.com/video/n06QbtOiuFbS/
(MartinezPerspective) [bitchute]


Another fucking KIKE fagit, go figure?!

Central Banks Spending Trillions (Heise Says) [censortube]

#centralbanks #QE #money #fait #currency
#Agenda21 #WEF #Plandemic #EconomyReset

"Cyber Polygon" - a simulation exercise of a global cyber pandemic
starts tomorrow - 09 July 2021 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/S2F97XkhpXpm/

#WEF #DAVOS #World #Goverment #Economy-Reset #power-grid #hospital #gridsystems #Convid #UN #2030

Record SURGE in LGBT Content in Cartoons,
as LGBT Groups Promise 'We Will Convert Your Children'

* https://www.bitchute.com/video/yGs132S94W4H/

* https://odysee.com/@RealRedElephants:d/Record-SURGE-in-LGBT-Content-in-Cartoons,-as-LGBT-Groups-Promise-'We-Will-Convert-Your-Children':c

International World Jewery is converting kids to sexual gayifcation in childern TV content

#Jewery #brainwashing #childern #LGBT #gay #sexaulisation #programming #diversity #trans #non-white

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Jewish Groups In Hungary Insist On Their Right To Show Homosexual Material To Underage Children - https://christiansfortruth.com/jewish-groups-in-hungary-insist-on-their-right-to-show-homosexual-material-to-underage-children/

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Animal rapists want to join the LGBTQIAP++ Degeneracy League https://www.rt.com/op-ed/528430-zoophiles-embraced-pride-lgbtq/

charlie brownau
4 years ago

LA Children's Hospital produces graphic child grooming pamphlets. https://files.catbox.moe/j6yzkx.jpg

charlie brownau
4 years ago

@TTOR Rejecting LGBT is Anti Semetic



Gays in White Nations in 2021
Singing they will "CONVERT" (brainwash and abuse) your childeren

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus: "We'll Convert Your Children" https://www.bitchute.com/video/0CArbDxTl1wg/

By 2030 it will be pedofobic to refuse a gay to fuck childern
mark my words , this is the direction its heading
it never ends with the Zionist occuption of our nation