Debian Install Script added to Gitlab -
#script #linux #tutorial #debian #gitlab

The Martinez Perspective (July 9, 2021):
Aggressive Homos On the March, Segregation is Good & More

(MartinezPerspective) [bitchute]
#Gay #LGBT #trans #goverment #statism #taxation #2030 #children

GAY PEDOS are coming for your childern and the STATE will LEGALISE IT

There’s a reason rising civilisations segregate the looters & moochers from the productive: In a healthy body, poisons & wastes are expelled!

charlie brownau
4 years ago

Its almost like a ethnic group surrounded by a barrier is a NATION

New Study Shows Children in UK
Have 99.995% Chance of Surviving CONVID-19

#convid #plandemic #virus #China #israel #UN #Goverment #Event201 #WEF #Agenda21 #depopulation

Charliebrownau Linux Install Scripts on Gitlab - 11 July 2021

Video -

Download Scripts from Gitlab

#linux #arch #/endeavouros #bash #script #tutorial #help

Charliebrownau Linux Scripts online -
Gitlab -

#linux #arch #/endeavouros #bash #script #tutorial #help

Scipt working, few small adjustments

Now to find a place to host it publically

Tucker Explains Why Trump Supporters Feel Election Was Rigged -

When The State Comes For Your Kids (TerrencePopp)
- JoshwhoTV -

- Bitchute -

#science #polticans #statism #goverment
#muslim #jews #Agenda21 #2030 #plandemic

If you are White and you put Jews or non whites ahead of the White race
you ARE a traitor

Andrew Torba Hypocritically Condemns Twitter Users
For Self-Censoring Their Posts

#gab #platform #speech #censorship #doublestandards #bothsides
If I was to go back to Gab I would have to self censor as they removed me for Naming International World Jewery, Central banks, Agenda 21 , Plandemic


I got blocked from Twatter ages ago for pointing out truth

I gave up on fakebook, pointing out factual truths would get me 24 hours - 7 adays - 3 month ban