Today we talk about a high school student who was suspended from school for a text message sent, outside of school, that affirmed two genders and the sinful action of homosexuality. This is further evidence that our schools are attempting to pollute the children, and make them students of the state.
#FreeSpeech #School #GenderConfusion

9:00p EST

The past year has seen an increase in pastors engaging in drag. This is a sign of a sickening culture, and today we will look at the stories of pastors and candidates who engage in drag and talk about what this might be doing to the church.
#Drag #Church #LGBT

9:00p EST

Today we look at the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus at the hands of the mob.

Today we look at those who will really make it to heaven.

Today we examine a new law that have come into effect in Canada and how many people would like the same law to be passed in the United States. This law makes teaching certain biblical principles illegal and pastors who preach the whole counsel of God could find themselves in prison.
#Canada #Conversion #Bible

9:00p EST

Today's short is on James 1:9-11. Being humble in all things.

The government is now creating a list of people seeking a religious exemption to the covid vaccine managed by the Pretrial Services Agency. As Christians are being logged and branded as the enemy, how can we best prepare for the coming persecution.
#Persecution #Lists #Tyranny

9:00p EST

Today we will discuss the meaning of life. I record this from Slab City, CA where a bunch of people have joined together in an off-grid community to live in what is called "The last free place on earth" and it begs the question about what is the meaning of life. Is it to just avoid society or is it more? What is the example Christ gives us?

Pray to God for Understanding and Wisdom.

The last two years have seen a massive spike of crime in US cities. Some have blamed COVID policies, but the real cause may be much more planned. Today we have a look at crime rising in cities, NYC stops prosecuting crime, and the streets are getting more dangerous. What does the Bible say about criminal discipline from the times of Moses?
#Crime #Soros #Bible

9:00p EST