Let me encourage you to read the Bible all the way through this year.

Today we test a new short video each week. Let me know what you think:

Loudoun County school district is again at the center of controversy as the books depicting adult-child inappropriate situations are re-instated after a committee decided that they contained diverse situations for the high school students. As Christians, we need to fight these trends, and check in our local schools for these books.
9:00p EST

Today we talk about past and present media propaganda and how it relates to Christ.

Two recent reports on Christian Post document the decline of faith in America. One shows that people often do not require a belief in God to go to heaven, while the other documents a corresponding decline in mental health in the younger generation. What does the Bible say about these trends and how to solve them?

9:00p EST

Big Tech wants to control the next religious experience. Here we talk about how the pandemic shaped the church, mostly for the worse. Here we look at a new "ministry" and how it relates to the Metaverse and the next big shaping of false faith.

Today we talk about billionaires looking for eternal life in all the wrong places. Join us at 9:00p EST

Is your pastor writing his own sermons? Today I talk about the Docent Research Group and their supplying of pastors with sermons.

As we look at the evidence for dinosaurs, we find the ages attached to the age of the dinosaurs in the millions of years, predating humans. But is all the evidence we have point to many millions of years or are other theories possible? Today I look at some of the evidence as it is presented and see what the Bible says.
#Bible #Dinosaurs #AgeOfEarth

9:00p EST

Today we will talk about Linux Mint First Steps: Installing and first setup on Linux Mint.
3:00p EST