Today I look at several Linux Music Players. Which ones do you like?

A two year old video was just Age Restricted on YouTube!

LOL...I appealed it, we will see what happens.

This week in the Weekly News Roundup, we look at the EU plan to ban surveillance in public locations, a new Android trojan takes over the entire phone, and a new company is creating a brain implant to control your thoughts. We finish with some silly news.
#Surveillance #Implants #WeeklyNewsRoundup

9:00p EST

There are as many church governments as their are churches, but what is the best approach to governing a church? Should large organizations be in charge or should the members vote? These are the questions we will be addressing today.
#Church #Govenment #Acts

9:00p EST

Today we will talk about the pros and cons of rolling vs LTS distros.

7:00p EST

Today we look at the importance of taking the first part of Genesis at face value. We need to start the Bible with an approach to believing the Word of God. This booklet by John MacArthur will give us the principles we need to start our understanding of the Bible correctly.

Microsoft has announced they will officially support OpenDocument Format 1.3 bringing it in line with LibreOffice.

This week in the Weekly News Roundup, we look at several new Amazon spy cameras and Ikea does something unjustified. Also, a new Malware as a Service is phishing video game credentials and the Oakland PD is breaking their new tech transparency law. Also, we look at several tech related silly articles for the week.
#WeeklyNewsRoundup #Apple #Transparency

9:00p EST

Our world has cast off all reality. We have kicked God out of the community square and trumpeted Science, but now, Science no longer gives us what we want to hear. We turn instead to our own insanity. What will it take to return back to sanity. Join us today for a discussion on gender and science.
#Chesterton #Gender #Science

9:00p EST

Today we will talk about various office suites on Linux. Join us for a panel discussion.

7:00p EST