Every generation thinks that the end is near. Is it? Today we will talk about the predictions and the signs of the times. We will discuss why this could be, is not necessarily the end of days.

Today in the Weekly News Roundup, Apple is working on a way to alert authorities in case of an accident, but it needs to monitor your driving to do that! Also, they are trying to fear monger about the dangers of side loading apps. Also, Yahoo and Fortnight pull out of China an several strange tech items are now avaiable in SillyVille.
#Apple #China #WeeklyNewsRoundup

9:00p EST

We hear things about parents leaving a legacy, usually in a positive sense, but we forget that a negative legacy can also be handed to your children. Today we will talk about what makes a positive legacy and what makes a negative legacy. The Bible says a lot about raising the next generation.
#Parenting #Legacy #Christian

9:00p EST

Today we will talk about Linux File Managers, which are good and which are bad.

7:00p EST

Today we look at installing plugins on GIMP.

As our society pushes more progressive messages, what is our response to companies who push agendas that do not line up with the Scriptures? Should we protest or boycott? Should we stop buying the products? Today we will look at what the Bible says in relation to some new commercials that have appeared this week.

Today in the Weekly News Roundup we look at the new rebranding on Facebook and cover a few other privacy, security, and algorithm news. We also look at the latest attempt Microsoft made at EEE before heading to SillyVille for a few articles.
#Metaverse #Microsoft #WeeklyNewsRoundup

9:00p EST

Halloween has always been controversial for Christains, but this year several people are trying to cancel an American Pastime because it is "Racist" or "Lacking Equity". We will discuss a bit about the past controversy of Halloween and what happened this year surrounding the holiday, and we will answer again if a Christian is free to participate in Halloween festivities.

9:00p EST

Today we will talk Tech Memes!

7:00p EST

Todya we will look at setting up a GIMP workspace to have a better understanding of how to use GIMP and get everything setup. Here we will look at the theming, panel management, keyboard shortcuts, and setting a default image template.
#GIMP #ImageEditor #Photoshop