Will be uploading a new TTOR video tomorrow about DuckDuckGo going woke.

Half the white race are gimmee-seeking cucks now (the grist of the fake-jew, fake-money mill…What you’re proposing could work, but it’d be a long shot.

charlie brownau
3 years ago

I see no solution with the current statist system that the state can approve discrimation with Men, Merit, White, Straight and a leg over/advantage for women,gays, blacks, jews and arabs

charlie brownau
3 years ago


Peacefull Self Segeration
Peacefull Self Seperation
Peacefull Self Succession
Self Suffiency
Self Reliant
Self Productive
Self Governance
Self Defense

No Federal International Goverment
No Multinational Corporations
No World Central banks

Localism not Internationalism

charlie brownau
3 years ago


A.Which one of the “Chri$tian”s three devil spirits is actually his “god”? A. N0NE Of them: the whole idea of teaching “JEEEZU$ IYIZ GAWAD!!!” is a Papi$t lie to get you to worship the Earth/bitch $emirami$ - palmed off as “Mary”.